Monday, July 11, 2011
Brushing Up on Some Press Release Basics
Even seasoned public relations pros sometimes need to be
reminded what makes for the most effective press release.
Whether you're a press release newbie or have written
hundreds of releases during your career, the following tips
should serve as a reminder of what to do--and maybe more
importantly, what not to do.
1. Don't put an important press release out on a weekend.
The press release wires are slow on the weekend and
generally companies who are trying to hide news or put out a
press release to satisfy a contractual commitment with a
partner send out something on the weekend. The weekend press
release will get ignored and it will be a waste of money and
time for all involved.
2. Is Friday a good day to put out a press release? Yes and
no. Yes if you put it out first thing in the morning and
work the phone. Friday is a good day to work the media
because you'll usually find people in better moods with the
weekend coming up. But be careful. I've seen people put out
press releases on Friday and then inexplicably take off
early and not return calls until Monday. What was the point
of letting the press release fester for sixty hours while a
voicemail message about it sat unreturned?
3. Should I put my press release out in the morning or
afternoon? Mornings are best, but don't do it too early. If
you put out a press release at 7:00 AM, it may end up
ignored. By the time journalists get through everything in
their inbox, there are already 200 other releases that have
come after yours. Public companies generally put out
releases before 9:30 AM EST if they want to beat the opening
bell on Wall Street. Private firms should wait until after
9:30 AM and let the big guys have their say. Afternoon press
releases should hit before 4:00 PM EST to avoid after the
market close releases from public companies. And of course
to give journalists enough time to meet daily deadlines.
4. How about putting out a press release around the
holidays? Avoid press releases the day before Thanksgiving,
Christmas and New Year's and on the Friday before a
three-day weekend unless the release has something to do
with the holiday or is absolutely necessary because of the
5. The vacation press release. Here's a simple tip: Do not
put out a press release and then go on vacation. No joke,
I've received press releases and called the contact info
listed on the release only to find the contact has gone on
vacation. If you're planning on going on vacation, any
releases in the two or three days preceding your departure
should list someone else as the contact.
6. Contact information. Ask any journalist and they will
tell you that they want the following contact information
listed on all press releases: a single person of contact
with a direct phone number and direct email address. You
should also include your web site's URL in every press
release if applicable. And to those who don't put contact
info down for strategic reasons, you should know that from a
journalist's point of view it makes your company look shady.
In fact, most newswires won't issue a press release without
an actual press contact and telephone number.
7. If I've partnered with a company, should we both put out
press releases? I've never understood the concept of dueling
press releases. I'll often see a partnership or deal
announced and see both companies involved put out a press
release. Sometimes it's necessary, as with a merger or
acquisition. Other times it's a waste of time and money.
Work with your business partners to put out a single,
coherent press release announcing a deal. Put out the
release with contact info for both companies and devise a
plan ahead of time for both public relations teams to
communicate and deal with media inquiries effectively.
8. A press release is an announcement, not a marketing
gimmick. Think of a press release as an oral statement.
Imagine having to read the release in front of a room full
of people with cameras, microphones and tape recorders. A
press release should be unemotional and to the point, not
full of catch phrases and attempts at subtle advertising.
9. Should I post the press release on my web site
immediately after putting it on the wire? Yes. Why wouldn't
you? As soon as that sucker hits the wires, put it on your
web site. Often times I'll see a press release on the wire,
read the headline, and then move onto something else. But
the headline will stick in my mind, especially with a
deadline fast approaching. I'd rather be able to just go to
the company's website and find it than sift through the
10. Need to send out a correction? Why did you screw up in
the first place? The first press release I ever sent out for
my web site included an incorrect date that confused
journalists and basically ruined the release. The fault was
all mine because I didn't check the release for factual
errors. I was excited and my brain froze. But that's no
excuse. The press release failed and journalists were even
more miffed when I sent out a correction, further flooding
their inboxes with a release they had already read or
ignored. Take the time to fact and spell check your press
release. It will save you time, money and grief.
Once again, these are just some basic press release tips and
pointers to make your life easier. In a perfect world, every
press release gets media coverage and every journalist reads
every press release. This is not a perfect world, but by
following some basic rules, you'll be able to accomplish
your public relations tasks easier. The payoff will be a
press release that screams, "Read me and write about me!"
Peace and progress,
Mickie Kennedy
Founder, eReleases.com
CEO, eReleases.com & Press-Release-Writing.com
Founder, eReleases.com
CEO, eReleases.com & Press-Release-Writing.com