Due to Difficult Economic Times and All Time Hacker Highs Trust Guard Offers Money Back Guarantee for Security Packages
Co-Founder Dave Brandley states that due to an all time high for hackers, and a low economy the company has decided to offer a money back guarantee to customers purchasing security packages.

Ogden, UT (PRWEB) August 15, 2011
Trust Guard offers a double-your-money-back guarantee for website security scanning packages. Co-Founder Dave Brandley says they are offering the guarantee because, “In times like this when Sony, Apple, and NATO are being hacked, as they reportedly have been the past few months, people need an affordable, low risk solution to website security and providing a money-back guarantee allows people to do the right thing and protect customers without risk.”
The website security experts have conducted numerous studies including the main fears of shoppers such as privacy, security, and identity and the degree which website security scanning might increase conversion. “In surveys customers always list security as their number one fear and the reason they opt out of buying from a website. If customers feel safe they are more likely to buy from an online source,” added Brandley.
The company offers a variety of both individual seals, and seal packages. Of their most popular is the Daily PCI Security Scanned Seal, which seems to function similarly to the way anti-virus software protects a computer. The PCI Scanning service actively scans websites for over 43,000 known vulnerabilities daily, during off peak hours. In addition, they review websites secure checkout process, and verify the SSL certificate. Brandley included that the money-back-guarantee applies to any individual seals purchased. The double-your-money-back guarantee applies to multi-seal packages. Customers have sixty days to try it out and if testing doesn’t show an increase in conversion customers can get their money back, or double their money back depending on the purchase.
Brandley says, “Website security is the main concern of customers. And it should be. Hundreds of thousands of names, passwords, and credit card numbers have been leaked to the public this year as hackers pull ahead of corporate tech departments. Sony, has been reportedly storing information in plain text format. Credit card numbers were not even encrypted. Customers have every right to worry, and calming that fear by offering website security scanning increases trust, which increases conversion. It’s a win, win situation.”