Monday, August 15, 2011
How PR Professionals Get Stories Placed in Magazines
Exposure in magazines can be a great way to garner publicity
for your organization, though lately there are fewer and
fewer of them. Because of this, it's important that a PR
professional use all of her savvy when pitching a story to a
magazine. Follow these tips to keep your pitch out of the
"circular file."
Read the Publication - With so many magazines offering at
least limited content online these days, there is no excuse
for not reading a few articles in a publication before
sending your press release or pitching your story. Reading
all the publication guidelines in the world can't substitute
for firsthand knowledge of a magazine's content and style.
Submitting an unsuitable piece to a publication shows the
editor that you did not respect her time enough to do your
Plan Ahead - Magazines operate on a long lead time, so you
should approach an editor at least three months before you
want your story to run, and preferably six. This is
especially important if you story is intended to run at a
certain time of year, such as a holiday. Further, many
specialty and trade magazines, though not hard news
magazines that must keep up with current events, have their
editorial calendars planned out as much as a year in
advance. Most publications will be happy to share them with
you so that you can plan accordingly. Just call the main
phone number, email the "Info" or "Press" address, or check
around online, as the editorial calendar might be posted.
Pitch to the Right Person - Sure, it's easier to send your
query to the Editor-in-Chief and hope for the best, but
unless you are pitching to a tiny publication this will
generally get your story sent straight to the recycle bin.
These days, journalists and editors are often listed on the
magazine's website, but another good strategy for making
sure you are pitching your story to the correct journalist
is to call the organization and ask.
Choose Your Approach - There are three common ways to get
magazine coverage for your story - sending a press release,
pitching to an editor who then assigns a journalist to the
story, or submitting your own article or feature story.
While sending a press release is generally accepted at all
publications, this approach has the lowest chance of
garnering coverage. Pitching to an editor takes work - you
must query them, either by phone or email - but often is
your best chance of getting published. As for writing your
own story, some magazines are glad for the extra content,
while others will be offended that you even suggested this
option. This is why it's a good idea to know the publication
and to do your homework beforehand. If you do try this
route, be sure to stick to the publication's guidelines.
Once you have landed a story in a magazine, don't forget to
recycle your publicity by posting it on your company website
or lifting choice excerpts for use in marketing materials.
With the right handling, one positive magazine article can
generate many fruitful returns.
May the Force be with you,
Mickie Kennedy
Founder, eReleases.com
CEO, eReleases.com & Press-Release-Writing.com
Founder, eReleases.com
CEO, eReleases.com & Press-Release-Writing.com