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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Infographic: Social Media Key Factor for Small Business Success - CreditDonkey Illustrates Usage

With social media transforming small businesses across America, CreditDonkey releases infographic illustrating how entrepreneurs are using social media for success.


Quote startentrepreneurs are using social media for successQuote end

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) August 16, 2011

CreditDonkey reveals just how far reaching social media has become among small business owners through the launch of a new infographic.


As consumers head online, social media is becoming embraced by entrepreneurs who are looking for sales and customer service tools that are inexpensive yet effective.

"Entrepreneurs have been working hard for years, shelling out large amounts of money trying to get marketing success," said Charles Tran, founder of CreditDonkey. "But, as illustrated in the infographic, with a little creativity and the use of free social media tools, small business owners don't have to rack up credit card debt to get their business seen by the public."

Interesting social media facts communicated through the infographic include:

  • Small business owners view social media as being critical for success, as indicated by 78% of respondents to a social media survey. Fifty percent of small business owners use social media, 45% believe social media will be profitable this year and 4% say they couldn’t do without social media as a marketing tool.
  • Facebook is the most commonly used social media platform with 35% of small business owners having a Facebook page; 18% have a LinkedIn profile, 10% have a company Twitter feed, 8% have a company blog and 6% have a YouTube or other video-streaming channel
  • Small business owners are using social media for more than just marketing; 54% use it to keep an eye on customer feedback, 39% use it to demonstrate their expertise through blogging, 26% tweet about their expertise, 10% use Twitter as a customer service medium and 10% use social media for research purposes
  • Social media is changing consumer behavior. With $1 billion in sales, Groupon is earning money faster than any other company in history. Consumers raced to YouTube to re-watch the VQ Darth Vader Super Bowl ad, making it so the ad reached more than 37 million viewers online. Dell found $3 million in sales through posting coupons and news on Twitter for 18 months in 2008 and 2009.

Small business owners can visit CreditDonkey for a free business credit card comparison to find the best card for your business. CreditDonkey publishes credit card research, informed opinions and trends that empower Americans to make informed credit decisions.
