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Friday, August 12, 2011

How to Profit From Social Media: Ventureneer Hosts Conversation with Author, No BullShit Social Media

Can small businesses really use social media to make money? Erik Deckers co-author of No Bullshit Social Media joins Ventureneer to discuss profit-making ideas. Be part of the conversation.

Quote startSocial media are about profit. They excite customer interest and build loyalty. And that’s where profits comes from.Quote end

New York, NY (PRWEB) August 12, 2011

Are social media really profitable for small businesses or is it all hype? Erik Deckers and Jason Falls have written a book, NoBullshit Social Media, The All-Business, No-Hype Guide to Social Media Marketing, that shows small businesses how to get beyond the hype to the bottom line.

On Tuesday, August 23, from noon to 1 p.m. ET Deckers will join Geri Stengel, founder of Ventureneer, for a discussion about the ways in which small businesses can realistically use social media to make money. The discussion will be in a format that allows members of the online audience to ask questions.

“Social media are about profit. They excite customer interest and build loyalty. And that’s where profits comes from,” says Stengel.

Find out what’s behind the hype and how businesses can leverage social media into better profits. Questions will be welcome throughout the discussion.

Sign up for the online seminar at No Bullshit Social Media: Where Social Media Meets the Bottom Line A Conversation with Erik Deckers.

About Ventureneer
Ventureneer connects values-driven small business owners, social entrepreneurs, and nonprofit leaders with the knowledge they need to make the world a better place and to thrive as businesses. At Ventureneer, entrepreneurial and nonprofit training and advice are practical, accessible, and affordable. Ventureneer blends traditional, formal instruction with informal, peer learning. You can learn new skills, collaborate with peers, develop solutions to your real-world problems, get one-on-one help from experts, and access the information you need to make better decisions for your organizations.
