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Monday, August 29, 2011

LinkedIn for the Nonprofit Professional: Renovate Your Profile

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LinkedIn for the Nonprofit Professional: Renovate Your Profile

Management, staff, board members, and high-visibility volunteers are the "face" of your nonprofit on LinkedIn. Make sure you put your best face forward. Presented by Marc W. Halpert a multipreneur and LinkedIn expert.

Wednesday, Sept. 21, 2011 2-3:30 pm ET. Register here.

Nonprofit Leaders, Mine the Gold: Find Your Best Donor Prospects NOW!

Nonprofits can find higher-net-worth donors in their own databases and outside database using the techniques from Ventureneer's online seminar, taught by Maria Semple, The Prospect Finder LLC and a master of building donor relationships.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011 12n-1:30 pm ET Register here.

Multiple Businesses? Make Your LinkedIn Profile Work for Them All

For those who wear many hats, setting up LinkedIn profiles for them all can be daunting. Ventureneer's online class will show you how to optimize LinkedIn for multiple businesses. Presented by Marc W. Halpert a multipreneur and LinkedIn expert.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011 2-3pm ET. Register here.


You've got the information to improve the profitability of your small business. You just need to know how. Find out what profit you're leaving on the table and how to recapture it. David Rudofsky, president and founder of Rudofsky Associates, a consulting firm dedicated to helping businesses solve financial and strategic issues, will present this FREE webinar.

Tuesday, Sept. 13, from 2 to 3 pm ET. Register here.

How Small Businesses and Nonprofits Can Work Together for Mutual Benefit Using Tools

Technology can give cause marketing a powerful edge. Ventureneer webinar shows how nonprofits and their partners can ramp up their causes. Joe Waters, author of Selfishgiving, contributor to The Huffington Post and co-author of Cause Marketing for Dummies will present this FREE webinar on

Wednesday, September 21, 12n-1pm ET. Register here.

How to Leverage Offline Fundraising Using Online Media

Online media build the relationships that boost offline fundraising campaigns. Ventureneer's free webinar focuses on mixing the old and the new to reach new donors. Presented by Ventureneer's founder, Geri Stengel for this FREE webinar.

Wednesday, October 12, 12n-1pm ET. Register here.


entrepeneurs digging inI Think I Can, I Think I Can ... I Know I Will!

Buying into pessimism can be a self-fulling prophecy. Find out ways to stay confident and move your business forward. Share the ways you stay positive.

UJA-Federation of NYC Exemplifies Changes in Philanthropy

uja-federation of nyc philanthropy changes

With 50% of donors in the baby-boom generation, nonprofits may face a decline in donations if they don't start cultivating Gen X and Y. How are you reaching out to young adults?


PR Boot camp is a virtual conference and training for startups.

Learn how to get publicity for your company and easily attract customers, journalists and funders. Starts September 14th. Register now and get 15% discount off of early bird pricing - use coupon code: EV11

For more info and to register:

Learn the ABC's of PR in our online training modules. Guest experts include: Deirdre Breckenridge, author PR 2.0; Jason Kinzler, CEO Pitchengine, new media cowboy and former journalist; Sander Daniels, cofounder and chief happiness officer Thumbtack; Andy Abramson, CEO Comunicano and exit king [23 exits to date]; Cara Stewart, founder and chief rabble rouser Remarx Media and a few surprise guests...

You'll get worksheets, templates and must-have resources. Register now and get 15% discount off of early bird pricing - use coupon code: EV11

For more info and to register visit:

Advancing the Practice of Innovative Capacity Building

Join your colleagues September 16-18 in Oakland, California when the 2011 Annual Conference of the Alliance for Nonprofit Management convenes around the theme Research to Practice: Advancing the Practice of Innovative Capacity Building. The unique format of this conference, co-sponsored by The Nonprofit Quarterly, invites you to participate in a "community of practice" with leading researchers, pracademics and capacity builders. Dig deep into one of five areas: leadership, governance, movement-building, nonprofit business models, or evaluation. Help set the future of capacity building in our sector.


Nonprofits   Social Media

Check out Social Media for Values Driven Companies a one-stop, continually updated central resource about social media as they are used by nonprofits, which is sometimes different than the way for-profits use them.

Ramp up their social media effortsVentureneer's new, free ebook, Social Media for Your Nonprofit: Take Charge!.

Also don't forget to check out our survey report,Nonprofits and Social Media: It Ain't Optional.

Geri Stengel