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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Now you can manage your Facebook Groups and Events – along with your Profiles and Pages – within HootSuite streams.

More Facebook in your HootSuite

Wall in the Stream

Monitor and manage any Facebook newsfeed directly in a HootSuite streams. Customize with columns for photos, videos, news, groups, and events alongside your profiles and pages.

Monitor HootSuite directly in the Streams

Photo Fun

Make an impact by posting photos directly to Facebook Profiles, Pages and Groups – not just a link, this enhanced functionality allows you to choose and upload your file.

Post Photos directly to Facebook with HootSuite

Brand Specific

Improve your monitoring and posting by filtering Facebook streams to view content from selected users. Plus, new Facebook Search capabilities allow you to search all public posts and save as streams for constant monitoring of keywords and terms.

Filter by Facebook users in HootSuite

Profile Party

Managing a bucket of pages? Easily pick your profiles with an updated Profile Picker allowing you to set favorites, select default profiles and enjoy auto-complete functionality for faster selection.

Feature Friendly

We listen carefully to ideas from our users to make the dashboard as useful as possible. Have a suggestion? Submit it via our Feedback Channel, or vote for another to let us know what you want to see next.

We look forward to seeing your continued social media success with these new features.

Learn More about HootSuite's new features

With thanks,

Ryan Holmes

Ryan Holmes, CEO

PS: Did you see the new Facebook release video? It features a new song by "Hey Ocean!" – visit their Facebook Page for a special surprise.

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