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Monday, August 8, 2011

Public Relations at the Local Level

When people think public relations, they think of slick PR
pros courting journalists or holding press conferences in
front of national media. But the truth is that most
businesses and organizations are relatively small,
relatively localized entities.
Mom and Pop's Sub Shop or Herman's Used Cars down on Main
Street have a very poor chance of getting a write up in the
New York Times. But that's not to say that small, local
businesses don't have something even better. Because these
businesses are situated firmly in their communities, they
have the chance to gain tremendous goodwill from the local
areas they serve. And that relationship, just as much as
sending press releases and making million dollar donations
to charity, is public relations.
Get Involved in the Community
A potential customer might drive by your premises every day,
but he may simply not pay it in any notice. After all, he's
been going to the same optometrist, or mechanic, or coffee
shop for years now. Why choose your business? But when he
sees your company name in the program as a sponsor of his
son's school play, or on the back of his daughter's softball
jersey, then suddenly he's going to take an interest in your
business. Maybe he'll stop in next time he's driving by.
It's the least he can do, after all, for someone who takes
such an interest in the activities that create a solid
Make Good by Doing Good
One of the surest ways to garner the attention of the public
and local media is to hold a charitable event. Your event
could be as simple as donating proceeds from a weekend's
worth of sales to victims of a nearby tornado, or as
elaborate as sponsoring a day-long chili cook-off.
Cozy Up to Local Media
When you run a national media relations campaign, you have
hundreds or even thousands of publications from which to
choose. But local businesses have a narrower playing field -
perhaps two or three local newspapers, a regional newspaper,
and a few assorted magazines. While this may sound like a
limited field of options, it is actually an opportunity to
establish a firm working relationship with the few
publications that serve your local area. Introduce yourself
to reporters, keep in touch with them, and offer them your
latest scoop. They will appreciate the gesture and look to
you in the future for more news or for your expert opinion
as a business owner or a concerned local.
Great local public relations campaigns help your business in
more ways than you can imagine. Sure, it attracts customers,
but it may also attract investors interested in gaining a
stake in your local area, or local officials looking for
people with strong ties to the community for committees,
advisory boards, or even elected office. So create a local
PR strategy and use it wisely. Who knows? You may end up
with more PR good will than you know what to do with!
Peace and progress,
Mickie Kennedy
CEO, &