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Monday, August 15, 2011

Webinar: For Small Businesses: Optimize Your Profitability

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For Small Businesses: How to Profit from Social Media?

Can small businesses really use social media to make money? Erik Deckers co-authored No Bullshit Social Media. He'll join Ventureneer to discuss profit-making ideas. Be part of the conversation on Tuesday, August 23 12pm - 1pm ET for this free webinar.

For Small Businesses: Optimize Your Profitability

You've got the information to improve the profitability of your small business. You just need to know how. Find out what profit you're leaving on the table and how to recapture it. David Rudofsky, president and founder of Rudofsky Associates, a consulting firm dedicated to helping businesses solve financial and strategic issues, will present this FREE webinar on Tuesday, Sept. 13, from 2 to 3 pm ET.

For Non Profits and Small Businesses: Ways to Partner for Mutual Benefit

Technology can give cause marketing a powerful edge. Ventureneer webinar shows how nonprofits and their partners can ramp up their causes. Joe Waters, author of Selfishgiving, contributor to The Huffington Post and co-author of Cause Marketing for Dummies will present this free webinar on Wednesday, September 21, 12n-1pm ET.


5 Tips for Attracting Large Donations

Young Heroes Swazi Challenge
2011 Swazi Cyclists / Jeff Yoder and his son Jacob are far right.

Donors of all ages are willing to stretch themselves and their money for a cause, if you know how to inspire them. How have you converted a new donor into a long-term, major donor?

No Bullshit Social MediaSocial Media for Small Businesses: It's About The Bottom Line

Bottom-line thinkers should be thinking "social media." Do you know why social media boosts revenue for small businesses?


Nonprofits: Share How You're Using LinkedIn Successfully

You Could Win a FREE 30-Day Job Posting on LinkedIn

LinkedIn wants to share your tips and how to's with other nonprofits. Tell them how you:

  • Established your presence and told your story.
  • Researched and established strategic relationships and build capacity.
  • Deepened engagement with your key audiences.

Join the discussion.

Advancing the Practice of Innovative Capacity Building

Join your colleagues September 16-18 in Oakland, California when the 2011 Annual Conference of the Alliance for Nonprofit Management convenes around the theme Research to Practice: Advancing the Practice of Innovative Capacity Building. The unique format of this conference, co-sponsored by The Nonprofit Quarterly, invites you to participate in a "community of practice" with leading researchers, pracademics and capacity builders. Dig deep into one of five areas: leadership, governance, movement-building, nonprofit business models, or evaluation. Help set the future of capacity building in our sector.


Nonprofits   Social Media

Check out Social Media for Values Driven Companies a one-stop, continually updated central resource about social media as they are used by nonprofits, which is sometimes different than the way for-profits use them.

Ramp up their social media effortsVentureneer's new, free ebook, Social Media for Your Nonprofit: Take Charge!.

Also don't forget to check out our survey report,Nonprofits and Social Media: It Ain't Optional.

Geri Stengel