Compete Pulse regularly places in the top 10 in the Ad Age Power 150 ranking of the best media and marketing blogs in the world. It's succeeded thro

Google recently announced that they will be reviewing all running and paused AdWords ad campaigns and any campaigns that do not pass Googles standard ad approval process will be banned.
This approval process will especially target ads which have violated one or more of the AdWords advertising policies in the past and were put on hold as a result.
Potentially, we could see new ads that have been delayed finally getting approved, allowing advertisers to get their ads live quickly. Any ads that were originally disapproved due to violation of the AdWords advertising polices will get a second chance of submission and review.
As told by Googles Lauren Barbato, on the Inside AdWords blog:
This change will make managing AdWords accounts that much easier for users as it further shortens any delay in getting your ads approved, despite their status.
This review comes at a crucial time with the holiday season fast approaching, with many advertisers starting to chalk out their advertising campaigns for this busy sales times. Google has been alerting all its AdWords users by email about this change and has asked users to make the most of it by getting creative and fine tune their campaigns.
This review process looks like a good opportunity for all PPC account managers to run or test their new ads.
Google has also set up a help center addressing the most frequently asked questions about this ongoing review process.
About the Author:
Rene is the marketing manager of ineedhits.com - a global search engine marketing company. He also leads the marketing for Gooruze.com - a web 2.0 style community for online and digital marketers. Rene has been in the industry since 1997 with much of that time spent helping businesses embrace the best of the internet and digital world.