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Thursday, September 8, 2011

The most successful PR campaigns share 4 things in common.

What makes some PR campaigns successful while others are
flops? While there are a lot of variables in every PR
campaign, I've come to realize that the most successful
campaigns share 4 things in common.
1. They have a goal - Goals provide us with direction. They
give us something to work toward, and they make it easier
for us to track our progress. When building a PR campaign,
your goals need to be very specific (don't try to do too
much at once), easy to measure, realistic (do you really
have the means to make this happen?), and deadline driven.
When setting a timetable, it's important to remember that
unforeseen obstacles will pop up and some mistakes will
probably be made. Give yourself a little extra time so that
you aren't constantly working from behind and rushing to get
things done.
To give you an example of goal setting, Johnson & Johnson
launched a campaign in 2002 to encourage more young adults
to pursue a career in nursing. The reason for this campaign
was that it was projected that there would be a shortage in
the number of qualified RNs in the years to come. According
to Johnson & Johnson, the goals of this campaign were to
"enhance the image of the nursing profession, recruit new
nurses and nurse educators, and to retain nurses currently
in the system."
2. They have a detailed plan for reaching that goal - Once
you've come up with your goal, the next step is to create a
detailed plan for reaching that goal. In other words, don't
just fly by the seat of your pants, dumping a press release
here and there hoping something will happen. It won't. You
need to determine the exact steps that need to be taken to
reach that goal. Who do you need to reach out to? Which
media will be most effective at helping you spread your
Going back to the Johnson & Johnson example, the company's
plan to reach their goal of recruiting more people into the
field of nursing involved spearheading fundraising efforts
to create more scholarships for nursing students, building a
website to educate young adults about the benefits of a
career in nursing, and creating different recruitment
materials (buttons, brochures, posters, and videos) to
distribute to high school students.
3. They are well researched - Research is the foundation for
all successful PR campaigns. Sometimes, you have to do your
own research from scratch through polling, interviews, focus
groups, etc. Other times, the data has already been
collected, and you just have to sift through it.
As it relates to the Johnson & Johnson campaign, research
was a key to its success. The company had statistics about
the projected shortage of qualified nurses, student
enrollment in nursing programs, the perception of the
nursing industry by young adults, and more. By having this
information, Johnson & Johnson was able to see where they
needed to focus their efforts to attract more nurses.
4. They are constantly monitored and tweaked as needed -
Successful PR campaigns are typically monitored throughout
their duration and again once they're completed. Tracking
your results during your campaign is essential to seeing
what is and isn't working. If you aren't getting any closer
to reaching your goals, you need to go back to the drawing
board to find new tactics for achieving success.
Johnson & Johnson has been monitoring the results of their
nursing campaign. According to Ruder Finn PR, the results of
this campaign are:
-- 8% more freshmen enrolled in baccalaureate programs after
the program launch from the prior year
-- 82% of nursing schools contacted saw rising applications
and enrollment for the fall
-- Johnson & Johnson witnessed great acclaim from within the
nursing community
-- is #2 Search result for "nursing
-- 3.2 million unique visitors and over 50 million pages
served to date on the site
-- The site allows search of 1,400 nursing specific
scholarships and ordering of promotional materials
What are some other characteristics of successful PR
Gotta boogie,
Mickie Kennedy
CEO, &