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Monday, September 26, 2011

Nonprofit Leaders, Mine the Gold: Find Your Best Donor Prospects NOW!

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Nonprofit Leaders, Mine the Gold: Find Your Best Donor Prospects NOW!

Nonprofits can find higher-net-worth donors in their own databases and outside database using the techniques from Ventureneer's online seminar, taught by Maria Semple, The Prospect Finder LLC is a master of identifying and reaching out to potential major donors.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011 12n-1:30pm ET. Register here.

Multiple Businesses? Make Your LinkedIn Profile Work for Them All

For those who wear many hats, setting up LinkedIn profiles for them all can be daunting. Ventureneer's online class will show you how to optimize LinkedIn for multiple businesses. Presented by Marc W. Halpert a multipreneur and LinkedIn expert.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011 2-3:30pm ET. Register here.

Top 10 Ways Nonprofits Can Build Boards and Raise Money Using LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a treasure trove of connections for nonprofits. They can find board members with the passion their nonprofit wants and the skills it needs as well as increase visibility to potential supporters and donors. Join our top-notch instructors, Geri Stengel, President of Ventureneer; Marc W. Halpert, a Linkedin expert; and Maria Semple, principle of The Prospect Finder LLC to learn how your nonprofit can leverage this free tool.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011 2-3:30pm ET. Register here.

Email is the ideal complementary tool to social media. With it, you can grow your message virally! It's a great way to reach customers and donors and interest them in what you have to offer. David Fischer, founder of Solutions for Growth, will share best practices for effective email marketing at this FREE webinar.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011 12n-1pm ET. Register here.

Speaking to Influence Others

Whether you're speaking to one person or to one thousand, your unique voice has a sweet spot. When you tap into it, people will listen to you and want to help your cause. Your passion will become their passion. Pamela Ziemann, author of Giving Voice to Your Cause will present this FREE webinar.

Tuesday, Oct 11, 2011 2-3pm ET. Register here.

How to Leverage Offline Fundraising Using Online Media

Online media build the relationships that boost offline fundraising campaigns. Ventureneer's free webinar focuses on mixing the old and the new to reach new donors. Presented by Ventureneer's founder, Geri Stengel for this FREE webinar.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011 12n-1pm ET. Register here.

How to Use LinkedIn to Recruit Staff for Your Nonprofit

Recruit the right staff for your nonprofit with tips from Ventureneer's webinar. LinkedIn's Bryan Breckenridge teaches about the tools LinkedIn has to ease the way for nonprofits searching for new staff and how LinkedIn's Nonprofit Solutions can make your staff search easier in this interactive FREE webinar.

Thursday, October 13, 2011 2-3pm ET. Register here.


happy rowerHow To Get Out of Economic Mess and Build Business Success: Work Together

Listen to everyone, work together, and grow. That seems to be the theme of a series of articles about governments and corporations working their way out of the economic mire. How have you listened to improve your business?

small businesses worthwhileWhy Small Businesses Are Worthwhile Causes for Big Businesses

When businesses partner with a nonprofit in a cause marketing campaign, their aim is to build good will by helping a community. Doesn't helping small businesses fit that description, too?

secrets of success4INFO CEO Shares Secrets of Success

Successful entrepreneurs don't look at criticism as a bad thing. They see it as an opportunity to get new ideas and to improve. How have you used negative feedback to your advantage?

cause marketing for dummiesHow-tos of Cause Marketing for Businesses, Nonprofits Laid Out in New Book

Cause marketing makes consumers happy and brings new revenue to businesses and nonprofits. New book gives step-by-step guidelines for both small business owners and nonprofits. Not a reader? Check out the free online seminar.


3-session series on win-win Cause Marketing for businesses and nonprofits.

6 Figure Cause Marketing is specifically designed for small and medium-sized nonprofits that want to develop lucrative, win-win partnerships with businesses of all sizes ... and the businesses that want to work with them.
Joe Waters, author of Cause Marketing for Dummies and the Selfish Giving blog, will give you practical tips -- the kind you can actually use -- along with case studies that prove cause marketing works for both partners.
Learn how to identify potential business partners in your town and how to approach them as well as novel ideas for cause marketing. This isn't about marketing causes; it's about partnerships that are beneficial and lucrative to both the for-profit business and nonprofit.


Nonprofits   Social Media

Check out Social Media for Values Driven Companies a one-stop, continually updated central resource about social media as they are used by nonprofits, which is sometimes different than the way for-profits use them.

Ramp up their social media effortsVentureneer's new, free ebook, Social Media for Your Nonprofit: Take Charge!.

Also don't forget to check out our survey report,Nonprofits and Social Media: It Ain't Optional.

Geri Stengel