Social Ads Tool Can Now Increase The Conversion Rate of Your Facebook Ads By Up To 100%
Social Ads Tool (SAT), the Facebook Ads management tool developed by 77Agency, is now systematically capable of increasing the conversion rate of Facebook Ads by up to 100% – an optimistic goal achieved after months of intense development.

Social Ads Tool Dashboard

(PRWEB) September 28, 2011
Collecting performance data from both Facebook and the Social Ads Tool proprietary conversion tracking technology, Social Ads Tool is now able to provide accurate analysis reporting of hourly performance trends for your Facebook Ads.
As the conversion ratio for Facebook Ads can be dramatically different between different hours of the day, savvy internet marketers can dramatically increase their profits simply by selling the right products at the right time of day.
Social Ads Tool takes this approach one step further – by now allowing users to schedule their campaigns to run on a strictly defined day-part timescale.
This means that a campaign can be now defined to automatically run only during the peak hours on different days of the week.
Using these new features can result in an immediate increase in conversion ratios by 100%.
Social Ads Tool is a fully-featured Facebook Ads campaign management and optimization platform, and is ideal for clients spending upwards of €10,000 per month on Facebook Ads.
License fees vary from 3-5% based on volume.
A live demonstration of Social Ads Tool can be arranged by contacting:
Jacob Ozolins
+371 26682196