Social Log-In Tools Deliver Positive Results for GraphicMail by Leveraging Social Networks
Email and mobile marketing service provider GraphicMail has launched a social sign tool and social widgets, allowing the efficient repurposing of content via social networks and the gathering of social metrics.

(PRWEB) September 01, 2011
GraphicMail’s business partnership with Janrain, an Oregon-based hosted user management SaaS company, has proven successful over the initial 8 months in the adding of social sharing tools to its offering that allows visitors to sign up to a GraphicMail account via their social network.
GraphicMail’s email and mobile marketing capabilities, empowered with social engagement, enables companies worldwide to turn prospects into customers through the creation and delivery of relevant online messaging.
GraphicMail has put a strong emphasis on social media in 2010/2011 and was looking for a partner to levarage social communication. Janrain has made this possible by providing solutions for social login and sharing, stats, widgets and social profile storage. Janrain partners with big social networks so their members can take their online identities to sites across the Internet, which bring with them a wealth of personal data. Janrain analyzes this data so its clients can tailor their email and mobile marketing to each consumer demographic.
Social log-in tools give newsletter subscribers and site visitors the opportunity to leverage their social identities during the sign-in process, which lets marketers identify and segment social media users and influencers and can help with the compilation of a behavioral marketing database. By working with Janrain, companies can achieve a significant increase in registrations, conversions and social sharing of content rates when they provide users with this option. GraphicMail has found over the past 8 months since their commencement with Janrain’s hosted social login solution that the process of readers signing in with their existing social networks simplified the viral sharing mechanism and increased conversions.
“In today’s marketplace, integrating social media into a multichannel marketing strategy is becoming an increasingly essential component of nurturing leads and driving conversions.
Understanding that developing a trusted online relationship with every subscriber is a crucial step in building customer loyalty.” – Nicholas Eckert, GraphicMail co-Founder.
With the rise of the social web, people self-select into groups so small and so fragmented that no overarching top-down approach could be successful at driving marketing achievements Traditional demographics have poorly defined the target consumer, but now, with emerging interest in graphs and behavioral information from social networks, marketers are using social data as the critical cornerstone of psychographic insights and have much better ways of targeting potential customers. However, GraphicMail chiefly incorporates social logins as a means to lower the barrier for signing up to a free email marketing account and to make it easy for their clients to share their newsletters via social networks.
Social share has been a groundbreaking feature of GraphicMail’s 2011 developments, making it the first email marketing service to incorporate the ability to easily share email marketing messages on social networking sites and report on the results. Their clients benefit from being able to see how many times an email newsletter has been shared on social networks, viewed and clicked.
Integrating social media into a multichannel marketing strategy that includes email and mobile communications is crucial for optimal campaign performance.