Free Ebook: The Definitive Guide to Generating Online Sales Leads in 30 Days
Cloud Marketing Labs has released the ebook “The Definitive Guide to Generating Sales Leads” to show business owners and marketers how to generate highly qualified sales leads in 30 days.

Greg Digneo: Author of the blog Sales Leads in Thirty Days

Northfield, NJ (PRWEB) October 27, 2011
Cloud Marketing Labs has released the ebook “The Definitive Guide to Generating Sales Leads” to show business owners and marketers how to generate highly qualified sales leads in 30 days.
Greg Digneo, CEO of Cloud Marketing Labs and author of the blog Sales Leads in Thirty Days, wrote this book because he continuously sees four common online marketing mistakes.
They are:
1. Focus too much on the content
“I constantly hear that creating great content is all that’s needed to market online. But that’s not true. The web is littered with blogs that have great content and no one knows they exist,” says Greg Digneo.
According to Digneo, in order to succeed online, marketers must spend half their time creating content and the other half promoting it.
“Treat each blog post like it’s a product. You wouldn’t create a product and not promote it to prospects,” Digneo continues. “It’s the same thing with a blog post. Once you’ve created the post, promote the heck out of it.”
2. Ignore current connections
Any business that has been around for at least one year has connections. These connections are current customers, vendors, prospects, dead leads, and colleagues. It’s a mistake not to reach out to these connections.
By leveraging the people within their ecosystem, existing businesses can be assured they won’t be starting at ground zero when they begin their online marketing efforts.
“You may think that your vendors and dead sales leads aren’t going to be interested in buying from you, and you might be right. However, they might share your content with people in their network who are interested in your company.”
3. No focus
Every day, it seems like a marketing strategy is introduced promising a magic solution to lead generation problems. Most recently these strategies include Google Plus, mobile marketing, and social media contests.
Says Digneo: “The successful small and mid-sized companies work relentlessly to perfect two or three marketing strategies before trying something new.”
4. No sales strategy
Once a business has started getting traffic through their blog or other online marketing efforts, the business needs to convert that traffic into sales.
“The best way that we have found to convert website traffic into sales and sales leads is webinars. Webinars work great if you have an eCommerce site selling software, or if you are selling an expensive service and want to move prospects along the sales funnel,” says Digneo.
In order to help business owners and marketers generate traffic to their website and convert that traffic into sales leads, Digneo has written “The Definitive Guide to Generating Sales Leads”, a free ebook that can be downloaded here: http://salesleadsinthirtydays.com/slebook/.
In this 26 page report, readers will learn:
- 4 Ways to Get Traffic to Your Blog
- How to write press releases that will generate highly qualified sales leads
- How to Create a landing page that will sell ice to an Eskimo
Again, the ebook can be downloaded here: http://salesleadsinthirtydays.com/slebook/
About Greg Digneo
In 2008, Greg started a marketing company called Cloud Marketing Labs and created an online marketing process called Sales Leads in 30 Days process.
After graduating from engineering school, he was fortunate to have success building a technology company – where he fell in love with marketing. Because of his engineering background, Greg's approach to marketing tends to revolve around process and analytics. He since adopted the motto “In God we trust. All others bring data.”