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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tim Sales Is Speaking out and Blowing the Whistle on the Network Marketing Industry’s Dirty Little Secrets

Tim Sales is speaking out and blowing the whistle on the network marketing industry’s dirty little secrets. This new video is one of the most revealing and telling insiders views of the secret gotchas that many companies try to hide in the distributors Terms and Conditions. The video can be viewed at a limited time.

Tim Sales and Larry King

Tim Sales Interview with Larry King

Quote start“I've been working very hard helping the entire network marketing industry. I first created the video “Brilliant Compensation” to help distributors in all Network Marketing companies present the industry in a professional way. Tim SalesQuote end

Park City, Utah (PRWEB) October 11, 2011

Tim Sales announces his most important campaign in continuing advocacy and assisting the Network Marketing Industry while fighting for the Rights of Distributors . Tim Sales has seen far too many top leaders treated unfairly by the very companies the distributors helped build. Tim has decided that it is time for someone to speak out against these wrongful acts that many MLM (multi-level marketing) companies put into practice without public knowledge. As a respected leader and adviser to many of the most successful direct sales companies, Tim continues to hear the horror stories of top distributors being terminated without cause. Distributors having their compensation plans changed without any notice, and several other atrocious acts perpetrated against the exact distributors who provided the leadership, training, and support that helped build the sales force and customer base for these powerful network marketing companies.

Tim Sales is speaking out and blowing the whistle on the network marketing industry’s dirty little secrets. This video entitled “Tim Sales Speaks Out” is one of the most revealing and telling insiders views of the secret gotchas that many companies try to hide in the distributors Terms and Conditions. The video can be viewed at for a limited time.

“I've been working very hard helping the entire network marketing industry. I first created the video “Brilliant Compensation” to help distributors in all Network Marketing companies present the industry in a professional way. “Professional Inviter” and “Presenter” helped to teach distributors how to talk to prospects. I also did an interview with Larry King to help educate the media about the industry,” states Tim Sales.

Tim Sales assisted the MLM industry with the release of his video presentation “Brilliant Compensation”. Tim began to spread techniques that would not only allow people to succeed in MLM, but to do so in ways that were both ethical and professional. With over half a million copies of “Brilliant Compensation” sold to date, Tim has done wonders to help revolutionize the MLM industry.

“Brilliant Compensation” was only the beginning for Tim Sales. He later went on to produce presentations that broke down the process of not only inviting interested prospects, but how to present to them, and most importantly of all, how to train them to succeed.

The MLM industry has been struggling to shake off a negative view held by outsiders for years. Thanks to the standards and practices that are taught in Tim’s Brilliant Compensation, progress has been made to help people realize that multilevel marketing businesses are in fact legitimate, ethical, professional, endeavors. Now Tim is turning his focus to once again changing the industry for the better. With this new revealing and provocative video, Tim questions many of the common practices by top network marketing companies that result in hard working distributors losing their business that they spent years building literally overnight and without any real way to defend themselves against these powerful companies. Tim Sales wants network marketing distributors to know that they must stand up and demand changes from their companies. The video entitled “Tim Sales Speaks Out” is the first step in changing the network marketing industry for the better.

About Tim Sales: Born and raised in Tennessee and from a very young age developed entrepreneurial skills by running his own lawn mowing business.

Joined the U.S. Navy out of high school and earned a top spot in the very elite U.S. Navy Underwater Bomb Squad Team, devoting 11 years of service to the military. While in the US Navy, Tim answered a newspaper advertisement about earning more income. He started his network marketing business while in the U.S. Navy reaching to over $60,000 a month part-time.

Within five years, Tim was at the top of his company’s compensation plan, earning over $150,000 per month and leading an organization of more than 56,000 people that spanned more than 20 countries. Tim retired from network marketing and became an ambassador to the network marketing industry.

Authored the video presentation, “Brilliant Compensation” which is
known throughout the industry as “the professional explanation of network marketing.” Initially created for his own organization, this video soon swept the industry by storm and has now educated more than 1 million people about the merits of the network marketing business model.

Known throughout the industry as the #1 MLM expert, Tim was interviewed by Larry King on the difference between a pyramid scheme, Ponzi-scheme, and a legitimate MLM business.

Founder and owner of, a company that provides professional training and educational resources to network marketers around the globe.

Author of 18 (and counting) training courses and products designed
to teach mastery of each component of the network marketing business, Tim is most well-known for “Brilliant Compensation,” “Professional Inviter” and “Professional Presenter,” and .

Has delivered presentations and training sessions to
several hundred thousand people all over the world and considered by many as the #1 Trainer in the industry.

Has taught and instructed on the University of Illinois (Chicago) campus for their network marketing certificate course. Seminars have also been sponsored at various international locations including: Korea, Singapore, Australia, Columbia, United Arab Emirates, Dubai and Norway.

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Leaders Elite
(801) 960-2728
