Email is the ideal complementary tool to social media. With it, you can grow your message virally! It's a great way to reach customers and donors and interest them in what you have to offer. David Fischer, founder of Solutions for Growth, will share best practices for effective email marketing at this FREE webinar.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011 12n-1pm ET. Register here.
Speaking to Influence Others
Whether you're speaking to one person or to one thousand, your unique voice has a sweet spot. When you tap into it, people will listen to you and want to help your cause. Your passion will become their passion. Pamela Ziemann, author of Giving Voice to Your Cause will present this FREE webinar.
Tuesday, Oct 11, 2011 2-3pm ET. Register here.
How to Leverage Offline Fundraising Using Online Media
Online media build the relationships that boost offline fundraising campaigns. Ventureneer's free webinar focuses on mixing the old and the new to reach new donors. Presented by Ventureneer's founder, Geri Stengel for this FREE webinar.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011 12n-1pm ET. Register here.
How to Use LinkedIn to Recruit Staff for Your Nonprofit
Recruit the right staff for your nonprofit with tips from Ventureneer's webinar. LinkedIn's Bryan Breckenridge teaches about the tools LinkedIn has to ease the way for nonprofits searching for new staff and how LinkedIn's Nonprofit Solutions can make your staff search easier in this interactive FREE webinar.
Thursday, October 13, 2011 2-3pm ET. Register here.