With changes in e-commerce marketing coming at you fast and furious, how prepared are you to deploy engaging messages on a timely basis in 2012?
Fully prepared? Not at all prepared? Somewhere in the middle?
Probably "somewhere in the middle," since that's the response of 96 percent of merchants who are also working to refine their cross-channel marketing strategies.
This is just one of dozens of findings from a recent quantitative research study of 110 merchants to learn their current thinking and 2012 plans.
A comprehensive white paper, "Surviving The Current Marketing Mania With A Solid 2012 Plan," provides detailed results of the study by the e-tailing group and Bronto. It also includes insight into merchant readiness, a 2012 planning checklist, and more.
To see what your peers are planning for 2012, download the white paper today.