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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Facebook Gets Hacked!

Qushawn Clark
Contributing Writer

Recently Facebook, headed up by billionaire entrepreneur Mark Zuckerberg, was hacked and violent, pornographic photos were posted on millions of users profiles.

Facebook Gets Hacked!
Facebook Gets Hacked!

Apparently, this attack did not actually compromise any user data, but at the same time, that does not mean it wasn't serious. With over 800 million active users, Facebook is responsible for protecting a lot of personal data. Currently, the company is blaming the attack on a flaw in certain browsers. Apparently, users were tricked by the hacker(s) into inserting malicious javascript code into their address bars which granted the hacker(s) access to their profiles.

Obviously the people at Facebook aren't just sitting around not doing anything about this. According to a spokesperson for the company, "Protecting the people who use Facebook from spam and malicious content is a top priority for us, and we are always working to improve our systems to isolate and remove material that violates our terms," which is somewhat relieving. However, many are still surprised and upset that this happened in the first place.

What the public needs to understand is that Facebook is not the only major company out there that has been hacked recently. Sony, Valve, Google, Lockheed Martin, and others have all been victim to major attacks in the past few months. Facebook is trying their best to control the situation and is advising its members not to enter anything into their address bar that they don't know is safe.

About the Author:
Qushawn is a staff writer for the iEntry Network.