Free Business Directory from MoveThatBlock.com Allows Business Owners to Create a Presence on the Internet
Business Review and Rating Site on MoveThatBlock.com Allows Companies to Create Their Own Business Page Allowing for Better Exposure

Pieroguys on MoveThatBlock.com

Albany, NY (PRWEB) November 09, 2011
MoveThatBlock.com, The Free Social Marketplace, launches a new division of their site called Business Directory. This adds another dimension to the sites already diversified classifieds sections. Other sections available on the site to search for free include residential real estate, commercial real estate, apartments and rentals, vacation rentals, cars and vehicles, dating and jobs. The business directory allows both small and large companies to make a presence on the Internet.
The recession has certainly had it's toll on most of America and American business owners. Companies have been forced to make difficult decisions based on cutting back on budgets, employees are forced to work under massive amounts of stress and managers are expected to come up with new and inventive ways to expand their business. This does not seem like an easy task by any means but many businesses have been able to overcome and thrive under these circumstances. Frank Gazella Jr. shares his story about creating his pierogies business in Kansas City and how he was able to tap into various markets at such a fast rate. "We have used both traditional and innovative ways of marketing our product. The old fashioned yet reliable word-of-mouth has launched us into the next phase yet the Internet has also played a big role. We have been able to tap into different industries without even leaving our hometown. My best advice is to utilize social medias along with getting on as many webpages as you can, this helps to facilitate cross traffic and really helps in better exposure" Frank Gazella Jr.
Frank Gazella Jr., president and owner of Pieroguys, found a natural need for such a delicious entree in his hometown of Kansas City and has been successful in using the Internet to expand his company. His mission, like many business owners, is to feed the world with his passion. Pieroguys creates and distributes homemade organic pierogies across the country and has the best shipping rate in comparison to their competitors. So how does a local entrepreneur spread the word of his company so fast? "The Internet has allowed my company to grow rapidly. I have been able to fill orders across the country and use the Internet to facilitate more exposure for Pieroguys. With a small staff, it isn't easy to get the word out there but by the use of the Internet we have been able to make connections on a much broader spectrum," Frank Gazella Jr, owner and president of Pieroguys. Frank recently made a decision to put his business page up on MoveThatBlock.com, a local Albany based classifieds site which just released their business review and rating site. This smart and easy decision is one that many business owners are also starting to utilize due to the fact that it is entirely free and allows business owners to put their information out on the Internet for consumers to view.
Something can be learned by Frank's innovativeness and ability to see in the future of where the Internet is moving towards. After recently putting up a business page on a local site called MoveThatBlock.com, Frank has been able to utilize this site to create a stronger online presence as well as for customer service. How did a two man powered company find out about a business look-up ratings and review site all the way in Albany? "I am always looking for business reviews and ratings to put my site up on because they help me with customer feedback. I found MoveThatBlock.com in a simple Google search that came up when I was looking for business reviews. Albany has been known as an incubator for niche markets, so I thought it would be the perfect market to target. Being a business owner, time management is the most important tool for me and putting my business page up on MoveThatBlock.com was the best five minutes I have ever spent," Gazella.
MoveThatBlock.com started only a year ago and already has 1.2million registered users on their site. What originally started as a commercial real estate free listings site turned into something much more! MoveThatBlock.com has now added cars, dating, jobs and a business review/rating feature to their site. With the addition of their business review and rating system, MoveThatBlock adds another dimension to the sites already diversified classifieds sections. This new dimension of their site allows business owners like Frank Gazella and his partner Andrew to conduct business in other states as well as receiving customer feedback without have to pay any sort of cost. "We ship orders all over the country now so it is nearly impossible to keep up with all of the customer service. MoveThatBlock.com allows customers to rate and review our business so even if I was on vacation, which I tend to travel a lot, I am notified of any orders that went out successful or not successful just by a simple comment on their site. Instead of having to pay for a focus group, for free I put up my business page on MoveThatBlock.com and received instant feedback," Gazella. This new feature also allows other businesses to look up neighboring businesses in the area. Anyone can create their business profile and it is easy to maintain, allowing even mom and pop shops to create a presence on the Internet.
MoveThatBlock.com also allows anything from mom and pop shops to multinational companies to create a distinction of their businesses online. "Most business pages such as the ones on Facebook only allow a company to create one page but for most businesses this is not the case. Best Buy has stores all over the country but only one Facebook page. MoveThatBlock.com allows consumers to create more than one page based on location. This helps streamline the customer service process and also attracted me more to the site in case I ever do decide to expand regions," Gazella. MoveThatBlock.com is a local start-up company and therefore understand the needs of other small company business owners while at the same time understand the objectives of national companies looking to create a strong online presence. MoveThatBlock.com is beneficial for both parties and is able to work them in whatever they need, including even creating their business site for them!
It is a tough economy out there, business owners are constantly learning more innovative and cutting-edge ways to increase their sales, traffic and customer satisfaction without breaking their budget. The presence of the Internet has transformed the way people do business and has allowed many business owners to stay connected to their customers all the way across the country. Maintaining social medias can be a grueling task for many business owners who barely have time in their busy schedules. Sites such as MoveThatBlock.com allow these busy business owners to create a page easy and simple without taking a lot of time out of their day. "Time management is by far the most important thing to me as a business owner, so I have to choose wisely about what I invest my time in based on the return I’ll get from it. Setting my business page up on MoveThatBlock took a negligible amount of time, maybe five minutes, but has generated results and continues to do so. I also use MoveThatBlock.com to look up other businesses in the area, anything from lawyers and doctors to pizza shops and bars, they’ve got it all covered. It is a great resource and I really think that the Capital Region has been waiting for one-stop site like this," Chris Wessell, owner at Pinnacle Recruiting & HR Solutions, Albany NY.