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Friday, November 4, 2011

How to Manage Crises Online with Search Engine Optimization and Digital PR - Kai Blum tells all in PRNews Guidebook Article

Kai Blum, Director of Search Engine Optimization at Ingenex Digital Marketing, contributed an article to PRNews’ Crisis Management Guidebook, giving insight for companies looking for best practices to manage online reputation after a public relations crisis.

Quote startIt is always easier to claim Google first page real estate than to push off negative listings later.Quote end

Ann Arbor, MI (PRWEB) November 04, 2011

Kai Blum’s new article in the recently launched PRNews’ Crisis Management Guidebook is a must read for companies looking to manage their online reputation. The article titled, “Damage Control: Cleaning Up Online Reputations Through Optimization,” describes how businesses can use search engine optimization and other techniques to help push the bad news off page one of Google.

In the article, Director of Search Engine Marketing at Ingenex Digital Marketing, Kai Blum, describes the importance of using free and paid search results as powerful elements for a company’s public relation’s crisis management strategy. The article describes best practices as well as detailed tips for how companies can use successful digital PR and SEO in crisis management on search engines to protect the reputation of the business.

In order to keep a business’ reputation at its best, companies should be proactive with their Internet content, even before a crisis arises. Creating Web properties already trusted by search engines, like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, helps a company achieve control over first page results, therefore helping to keep harmful articles pushed down on a results page. This is just one of the powerful digital public relations tactics that Kai discusses in his article.

“PR professionals should keep in mind that many search engine users might not even be aware of the crisis,” says Blum. “However, they will find out about it if they do an unrelated search about the organization or brand and if the issue somehow made it onto the first page. By creating a variety of strong online properties proactively, this can be avoided. It is always easier to claim Google first page real estate than to push off negative listings later.”

Kai Blum, Director of Search Engine Marketing at Ingenex, is a search engine marketing expert with over ten years of experience in search engine optimization and pay-per-click management. Before joining the Ingenex team, he spent ten years at MS&L Digital in Ann Arbor, Michigan where he worked with corporate giants such as General Motors, Toyota, Johnson & Johnson, Ferrero, Chevron and Best Buy. Blum also has also written three books and has over six years of experience in search engine based book marketing.

Ingenex Digital Marketing is an Ann Arbor, Michigan based Digital Marketing firm that provides a full suite of Digital Marketing services including mobile application development, Interactive Branding™, web site design, search engine optimization, pay-per-click management, optimized public relations, direct marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, web-driven event marketing, generational marketing, podcasting and blogging. For more information call us at 1-855-INGENEX or visit

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