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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Trust Guard Co-Founder Dave Brandley Responds to Issue of Worldwide Hacking

Trust Guard Co-Founder Dave Brandley responds to recent news reports on the increase in hacking. Brandley said lack of education, and excessive trust of the Internet are to blame.

Quote startLack of education by website owners is the main reason hacking is getting easierQuote end

Ogden, UT (PRWEB) November 01, 2011

Trust Guard responds to recent blog reports posing questions on the rise of hacking. Dave Brandley, Co-Founder of Trust Guard said, “Everywhere you look nowadays there seems to be a report of hackers financially compromising companies and stealing personal data all over the world. Website securitycompanies are struggling to warn consumers and urge business owners to step up and increase their security. I’m frequently asked: How bad is the problem really?”

Silicon Angle, a computer and social science blog recently covered the issue. They featured the question posed by blog, Freakonomics, who asked IT security experts: “Why has there been such a spike in hacking recently? Or is it merely a function of us paying closer attention and of institutions being more open about reporting security breaches?” It's a question that has been in headlines for months.

“The answers have run the gamut from the noting that hacking hasn’t really been on the rise over the past year but media interest has been much bigger than before and that hacking is on the rise because connectivity and Internet intrusion into our everyday lives has increased. From the looks of it, actually hacking itself may not be on the rise; but the type of hacks designed to capture the hearts and minds of the media might be” wrote Kit Dotson of Silicon Angle.

Hacking has been seen in the media all over the world with culprits from teenagers to professionals. Game networks are allegedly crashing, and it’s been reported that government documents are being brought to public view. Reportedly even the pentagon has managed to lose data.

In response, Brandley, says, “Hacking is being reported more by the media because hacks are more frequent, bigger, and growing at a rapid rate. I believe that the media is reporting it more because the threat is increasing. We also know that people are too comfortable with the Internet and that for the most part they don't know how to determine if a website is safe or not. Because the Internet is such a vital technology in our lives now people need to be more weary than ever before. Lack of education by website owners is the main reason hacking is getting easier. “

And to make matters worse hackers will soon be able to hack everything from computers to cars.
“As more and more functions get embedded in the digital technology of automobiles, the threat of attack and malicious manipulation increases,” Said Stuart McClure, of McAfee Secure
“This is clearly not a matter of better reporting” said Brandley, “It is a matter of a new digital world with a more intelligent and harder to catch criminal. Prevention is key when it comes to this kind of crime. Website security scanning is the first and most important step in protecting your personal information as it exists in the digital world. It’s necessary to prevent security holes from opening in the first place”.

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