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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Online Reputation Repair: Party Politician No More

Online Reputation Management, an Internet reputation management and repair firm, succeeded in ridding the Internet of wild pictures from a local politician’s wild years. It took the firm two and a half weeks, a record breaking duration, to complete the reputation repair endeavor.

Online Reputation Repair: Party Politician No More
Online Reputation Repair: Party Politician No More
Quote startWe all make mistakes, we all partied in College. Something that happened, or in this politician’s case didn’t happen, is hardly a determinant of who we are today and what we are capable of.Quote end
Washington, DC December 20, 2011
Online Reputation Management, a renowned firm specializing in managing and repairing costumer’s online reputations achieved one of its biggest successes. The firm worked with an East Coast politician to rid the Internet of pictures that could have cost him the election. The project alluded to a disturbing discovering.
About three months before November 2nd’s election, a politician, wishing to remain unknown, came to Online Reputation Management and called his project, “an emergency that needs to be fixed ASAP.” The Politician discovered that wild pictures of him in College existed around the Internet. The pictures include ones where he is seen at a party in which attendees were partaking in underage drinking and smoking illicit narcotics. While the politician himself denied participating in the illegal events, he was still at the party, and that was enough to hurt him in the polls.
Creating an eight page research study of the Politician’s existing Internet status, the firm knew exactly how to fight the problem. The research depicted exactly what search criteria yielded the wild pictures. The repair team also discovered that of the 159 pictures of the Politician on “Google Images” 8 of them portrayed him negatively. While the amount was a minority, 3 of the 15 pictures were seen on the first page of Google Images alone. The plethora of pictures, as well as negative articles and writings about the politician, raised suspicion among the reputation repair team.
The reputation repair team discovered that many of the pictures of the politician were actually photo-shopped to make him look worse. As competition on the web heightens, this new spin on ‘black hat online tactics’ is becoming more common by competitors. The Online Reputation Management reputation repair team was able to use its connections to have many of the pictures taken off. As for the rest, they used very effective strategies to make the negative pictures ‘virtually invisible’.
While details of many of the strategies remain confidential, Online Reputation Management has agreed to disclose the following details. The pictures were posted on different Internet platforms, but from the same IP Address, causing the Online Reputation Management team to label it as black hat marketing.“We became curious when our client noted that he did not smoke in college, but pictures of him holding a joint proved otherwise. Our technology team used specific equipment to scrutinize the pictures, and discovered that the joint, and many of the alcohol bottles, were actually photo-shopped in,” says Online Reputation Repair expert Daniel Dean. “The rest was easy, we contacted what we like to call “Internet authorities” and were able to remove some of the pictures. In order to remove the rest, we had to use an aggressive, but moral, approach.”
Some of the tactics the online reputation repair team used actually helped the politician’s campaign. The firm’s Public Relations department worked with the politician to re-brand his image, and created Press Releases that highlight his positive traits. “We all make mistakes, we all partied in College. Something that happened, or in this politician’s case didn’t happen, is hardly a determinant of who we are today and what we are capable of. It is important for people to realize that the Internet, although essential, can be a very deceiving thing,” says Online Reputation Management founder Ed Eshel.
Online Reputation Management’s strategies proved effective when all the remaining negative pictures no longer existed on the first 10 pages of search results. All negative articles, written by competing politicians, were replaced with the new positive ones of the client. The project spread awareness of the prevalence of black hat marketing. The process took two and a half weeks, a record breaking duration for the Online Reputation Management team.
About Online Reputation Management
Online Reputation Management offers effective solutions for your Internet branding and reputation repair needs. The firm specializes in promoting your reputation in a positive light, and driving search engines away from negative reviews about you or your business. Online Reputation Management’s repair services surpass that of competitors, in repairing its customers existing reputations on the web, and thus creating positive ones. Online Reputation Management has been working with top companies, and recognized individuals, specifically in the United States; and have achieved tremendous successes in their Internet reputation repair and management services. Online Reputation Management’s services are ongoing, and consist of Internet marketing techniques successful in expanding the businesses they work with.