Orange County SEO Offers SEO “Bootcamp” Training for Business Owners Nationwide
Business Web Coach offers expert training to teach website owners how to do their own search engine optimization to increase website rankings themselves without risk.

Orange County SEO Training

Laguna Niguel, CA December 06, 2011
Businesss Web Coach is offering a new SEO training package. This training teaches business website owners and their staff the details of how implement their own search engine optimization campaigns.
The Business Web Coach training staff goes on site to businesses and trains staff in-person to make search engine optimization achievable for business owners who want to stay competitive on the Internet.
The SEO “Bootcamp” is customized to each specific website and can typically be done in one to two days. This training makes the Business Web Coach trainers invaluable to business website owners who want to optimize their sites and create an effective Internet marketing strategy without the risk of hiring a firm that produces few results.
Many businesses both large and small find themselves in need of reliable help to keep pace with the changing Internet marketplace but have no idea how to optimize their websites. By taking advantage of the Business Web Coach SEO Bootcamp, business owners can make a substantial difference in their page ranking position as well as their website’s overall performance.
Training staff members removes both the risk and the mystery from the website optimization process.
The SEO training includes teaching do-it yourself Internet campaigns that encompass proven optimization techniques including keyword dense copy and placement, how to create descriptive tags and Meta tags, lead generation, social media, linking and how best to use analytics tools.
SEO training will teach local business website owners the strategies that produce effective optimization including:
- Major Search Engine Recognition - The main objective for any business website is to get recognized by the major search engines (including Google, Yahoo, and Bing) to establish a visible Internet presence. In order for a website to rise in the rankings “spiders” need to be able to recognize it on the Internet.
- Keyword Dense Content and Keyword Placement – Optimizing content with keywords and keyword placement is vital. Using keywords and keyword phrases properly is important as well as providing original, interesting and easy to read content. Keywords should also be used as much as possible in titles and header tags.
- Utilizing Social Media Forums, Linking and Hyper-Links – A good social media campaign is vital to successfully get a business website linked in and connected to relevant industry sites and users. The name of the game in terms of social media linking is to attract a large amount of visitors to a site so other sites will link to it and thereby create the recognition it needs to attain high page ranking.
- Effective Analytics – Keeping track of how a website is performing is crucial in order for a site to find the solutions they need to keep them profitable. By building in analytics tools directly into websites business owners can easily evaluate their performance. The analytics aspect of the training teaches website owners how to gather and analyze data suitable for decision making.
For many business website owners, having the opportunity to learn how to provide their own websites with search engine optimization is invaluable. By offering in-person optimization training directly to business owners and their staff, Business Web Coach makes increased website visibility page ranking not only more achievable, but also more cost efficient and convenient.
As an Orange County SEO company, the Business Web Coach is team is enthusiastic about this announcement and the ability to offer in-person training nationwide.