Thursday, December 8, 2011
Press Releases Are For More Than Just Launches
t seems like the only time a lot of companies think about
writing and distributing a press release is when they have a
new product or service they're launching. It makes sense.
You're about to release a new product, and you want everyone
to know about it. You want to build some buzz around it so
consumers will be excited about pre-ordering and buying your
product when it comes out.
But the simple truth is press releases are for more than
just launches. And if you only write a press release
whenever you launch a new product or service, you don't
stand much chance of building a successful press release
distribution campaign. I've said it a million times by now,
but I'll say it again: There idea of releasing a single,
magic bullet press release and expecting success almost
never works out; instead, you need to have a commitment to a
series of well-written, newsworthy press releases. And that
means more than just writing about your product launch.
There are all sorts of subjects that make for a good press
release. Here's a list of press release topic ideas:
1. New product or service
2. New website or significant upgrade to existing website
3. Involvement with charity work
4. Making a charitable contribution
5. Free shipping offer or change to shipping rates
6. Releasing findings of new study or research
7. Helpful tips related to your business
8. News of the weird (e.g. Coffee shop offers excusive
$200 gourmet drink)
9. Commentary on or tie-ins to current events
10. Interesting trends
11. Starting a new sister company
12. Receiving an award
13. Being singled out for an accomplishment
14. Offering free information: ebook, newsletter or white
15. Celebrating an important company anniversary (e.g.
50 years in business)
16. Opening a new office or relocating your office
17. Changing the company name
18. Changing a product name
19. Signing a large, well-recognized client (make sure you
have their permission to publish this)
20. Announcing a media appearance
21. Inspirational stories of overcoming major challenges
22. Hosting a seminar or teleseminar
23. Sponsoring an event or team
24. Partnering with another business or organization
25. Hiring a new executive or changing ownership of the
26. Announcing personnel change: retirement, resignation
or death
27. Changing the way your products are made
28. Changing the prices of your products or services
(particularly if you're reducing prices)
29. Developing a new technology or unique procedure for
your industry
30. Rebranding your business
31. Reorganizing your company
32. Hosting a major contest, sweepstakes or promotion
33. Making an outrageous claim (be careful not too sound to
gimmicky or salesy)
34. Revealing industry scams
35. Announcing holiday-related sales and events
36. Making predictions for your industry
37. Provide expert opinion on important subject within your
industry (think sound bites when creating quotes in your
38. Publishing findings of a recent report, survey or poll
39. Filing of a lawsuit
40. Responding to being name in a lawsuit
41. New uses for your products
42. Receiving endorsements from a major celebrity or public
figure (make sure you have their permission first)
43. Offering internship program with local schools
44. Establishing a scholarship
45. Hosting a tour of your facilities
46. New certifications and credentials achieved by your staff
47. Providing pro bono work
48. Responding to accusations against your company or industry
49. Setting a major goal
50. Launching a referral rewards / affiliate program
51. Speaking at a conference or event
52. Providing free consultations or a free sample
53. Taking major steps to go "green"
54. Debunking common myths
55. Taking your company public
56. Discontinuing a product or service
57. Filing or Being Awarded a Patent
58. Merger or acquisition
59. Celebrating an important milestone (e.g. one millionth
60. Exhibiting at a trade show
61. Stock offering
62. Financial or earnings update
63. Securing business funding or credit (e.g. VC or angel
64. Tips sheet or feature story (e.g. Top 10 Valentine
Gifts, Effective Tips to Land a Job in 30 Days, Turn
That Brown Lawn into a Suburban Oasis)
The point is this: If you only send out a press release
whenever you launch a new product, you don't stand a good
chance of being successful. Commit yourself to publishing
press releases on a regular basis by gleaning from all these
topic ideas. This leaky faucet approach gives you the best
chance of getting the media coverage you want.
What are some other topics that make for a good press
Mickie Kennedy
Founder, eReleases.com
CEO, eReleases.com & Press-Release-Writing.com
writing and distributing a press release is when they have a
new product or service they're launching. It makes sense.
You're about to release a new product, and you want everyone
to know about it. You want to build some buzz around it so
consumers will be excited about pre-ordering and buying your
product when it comes out.
But the simple truth is press releases are for more than
just launches. And if you only write a press release
whenever you launch a new product or service, you don't
stand much chance of building a successful press release
distribution campaign. I've said it a million times by now,
but I'll say it again: There idea of releasing a single,
magic bullet press release and expecting success almost
never works out; instead, you need to have a commitment to a
series of well-written, newsworthy press releases. And that
means more than just writing about your product launch.
There are all sorts of subjects that make for a good press
release. Here's a list of press release topic ideas:
1. New product or service
2. New website or significant upgrade to existing website
3. Involvement with charity work
4. Making a charitable contribution
5. Free shipping offer or change to shipping rates
6. Releasing findings of new study or research
7. Helpful tips related to your business
8. News of the weird (e.g. Coffee shop offers excusive
$200 gourmet drink)
9. Commentary on or tie-ins to current events
10. Interesting trends
11. Starting a new sister company
12. Receiving an award
13. Being singled out for an accomplishment
14. Offering free information: ebook, newsletter or white
15. Celebrating an important company anniversary (e.g.
50 years in business)
16. Opening a new office or relocating your office
17. Changing the company name
18. Changing a product name
19. Signing a large, well-recognized client (make sure you
have their permission to publish this)
20. Announcing a media appearance
21. Inspirational stories of overcoming major challenges
22. Hosting a seminar or teleseminar
23. Sponsoring an event or team
24. Partnering with another business or organization
25. Hiring a new executive or changing ownership of the
26. Announcing personnel change: retirement, resignation
or death
27. Changing the way your products are made
28. Changing the prices of your products or services
(particularly if you're reducing prices)
29. Developing a new technology or unique procedure for
your industry
30. Rebranding your business
31. Reorganizing your company
32. Hosting a major contest, sweepstakes or promotion
33. Making an outrageous claim (be careful not too sound to
gimmicky or salesy)
34. Revealing industry scams
35. Announcing holiday-related sales and events
36. Making predictions for your industry
37. Provide expert opinion on important subject within your
industry (think sound bites when creating quotes in your
38. Publishing findings of a recent report, survey or poll
39. Filing of a lawsuit
40. Responding to being name in a lawsuit
41. New uses for your products
42. Receiving endorsements from a major celebrity or public
figure (make sure you have their permission first)
43. Offering internship program with local schools
44. Establishing a scholarship
45. Hosting a tour of your facilities
46. New certifications and credentials achieved by your staff
47. Providing pro bono work
48. Responding to accusations against your company or industry
49. Setting a major goal
50. Launching a referral rewards / affiliate program
51. Speaking at a conference or event
52. Providing free consultations or a free sample
53. Taking major steps to go "green"
54. Debunking common myths
55. Taking your company public
56. Discontinuing a product or service
57. Filing or Being Awarded a Patent
58. Merger or acquisition
59. Celebrating an important milestone (e.g. one millionth
60. Exhibiting at a trade show
61. Stock offering
62. Financial or earnings update
63. Securing business funding or credit (e.g. VC or angel
64. Tips sheet or feature story (e.g. Top 10 Valentine
Gifts, Effective Tips to Land a Job in 30 Days, Turn
That Brown Lawn into a Suburban Oasis)
The point is this: If you only send out a press release
whenever you launch a new product, you don't stand a good
chance of being successful. Commit yourself to publishing
press releases on a regular basis by gleaning from all these
topic ideas. This leaky faucet approach gives you the best
chance of getting the media coverage you want.
What are some other topics that make for a good press
Mickie Kennedy
Founder, eReleases.com
CEO, eReleases.com & Press-Release-Writing.com