Tuesday, December 6, 2011
What's Been The Most Significant Change In Search During 2011?
By: Kevin Gibbons
Last week I setup a Facebook poll to ask people what they considered to be the most significant change in search during 2011. This has received a great response, so here are the results so far (you can still take part on the SEOptimise fan page):

About the Author:
Kevin Gibbons is the search engine marketing consultant based in the UK.

Last week I setup a Facebook poll to ask people what they considered to be the most significant change in search during 2011. This has received a great response, so here are the results so far (you can still take part on the SEOptimise fan page):

To recap on what these changes were:
- Google Panda (37 votes) " if you havent heard of Google Panda, Im not sure where youve been. Myself and Daniel Bianchini presented at A4UExpo earlier in the year which may help to explain about the impact of Google Panda.
- SSL Search (17 Votes) " as mentioned in the comments, if there was a poll for the most annoying change this would have won hands down " with Google deciding to take away a portion of keyword data from logged-in search for privacy reasons.
- Social signals and integration (9 votes) " still debatable over social medias current impact to search this year, but with the recent Google freshness algorithm update and the launch/continued push of Google+ its clearly something which should be high on the agenda for 2012.
- Google+ (2 votes) " Googles most successful attempt at social media to date, Google+.
- Siri (1 vote) " thanks Nichola! If anyone else saw the keynote at Pubcon, theyd realise thatGoogle is dead and the future is Siri. I certainly wont be making any predictions like that myself any time soon!
- Removal of Yahoo! Site Explorer (1 vote) " this is big news for SEOs, as many of us have relied on Yahoo! in the past to provide accurate link analysis. Now none of the search engines provide full link data, leaving us to decide which link analysis tool to use?
- Roll out of Bing/Yahoo search alliance (0 votes) - of course, the increase in market share by combining Bing/Yahoo was announced last year, but the roll out of this has been in motion (or slow motion?) this year.
So which change do you think will have the biggest impact to search? The poll is still open too, so please take part
About the Author:
Kevin Gibbons is the search engine marketing consultant based in the UK.