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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Opportunity Lost: 40% of Mobile Users Compare Prices, Purchase From Competition, According to Prosper Mobile Insights™

A recent mobile survey conducted by Prosper Mobile Insights™ included 360 smartphone and tablet users from the SSI Panel who completed the survey on their devices. The survey was collected from 12/29/11 - 1/3/12. 45% of the respondents were male while 55% were female, and the average age of the sample was 45. The data reveals that many Mobile Users are taking advantage of their smartphones and tablets while shopping—and some of them are walking out the door to make a purchase at another retailer. In addition, nearly 3 in 10 will also rely on their devices to keep New Year’s Resolutions on track.

Quote start28.3% plan to use their mobile device to keep New Year's Resolutions on track.Quote end

Worthington, OH January 10, 2012

When opportunity knocks, retailers need to be sure “opportunity” doesn’t walk out the door for a better deal online or next door. It seems consumers are cross-shopping without leaving the store, as 40.6% say they have compared prices and then left to purchase an item from another retailer’s physical store. Fewer (30.6%) have compared prices and still purchased from the same store. More than a third of Mobile Users (35.8%) take advantage of product reviews on their mobile devices to help them make purchase decisions:

Top 5 In-Store Mobile Shopping Activities
Compared prices; purchased from another retailer’s physical store: 40.6%
Read product reviews to decide between products: 35.8%
Compared prices; still purchased from same retailer: 30.6%
Scanned QR code to get more information about product: 29.7%
“Checked in” for a discount: 26.7%

Source: Prosper Mobile Insights™ Mobile Survey, December-11

In addition, 1 in 4 (25.6%) has compared prices and then purchased from another retailer’s website via a smartphone or tablet—an opportunity that didn’t have to walk out the door to make a purchase somewhere else.

For the full, complimentary report, click here.

While shopping and researching on a smartphone or tablet are popular pastimes, making payments with a mobile device raises privacy concerns for the majority. 71.1% are concerned about security issues and location tracking when swiping a device to pay for a transaction, but most (56.9%) somewhat/strongly agree that this payment method would be convenient. Mobile Users appear to be more comfortable purchasing an item on a device using a web browser or app (57.5%) vs. the swipe payment method (43.9%).

Comparison shopping via smartphone or tablet will likely continue as many consumers have resolved to budget better in 2012—some of them with the help of their mobile devices. Nearly 3 in 10 (28.3%) Mobile Users plan to use their smartphone or tablet to help keep their New Year’s Resolutions on track. The majority of those with “mobile resolutions” plan to use their mobile device to help them be on time (73.1%), utilizing calendars and alarms. 63.5% plan to use a smartphone or tablet to keep in touch with people while 51.4% will make use of budgeting apps to straighten out their finances. To see what other resolutions Mobile Users plan to keep with the help of their device, check out the Special Report: Mobile New Year’s Resolutions.

For more insights on how consumers are using smartphones and tablets, download the Prosper Mobile Android™ Tablet App or access the online Prosper Mobile InsightCenter™, recently updated with new December mobile survey data.

About Prosper Mobile Insights™
Prosper Mobile Insights™ provides companies with a comprehensive view of how consumers are using mobile devices including smartphones and tablets. The insights illustrate how consumers are engaging with digital media, including ownership, purchase intentions, activities, usage, service, influence, and ultimately how new technologies are reshaping consumers’ lives. Prosper Mobile Insights™ is a trademark of Prosper Business Development.

Survey Sampling International (SSI)
Bringing together Survey Sampling International and Opinionology, SSI is the premier global provider of world-leading sampling, data collection and data analytic solutions for survey research. SSI reaches respondents in 72 countries via Internet, telephone, mobile/wireless and mixed access offerings. Value-add services include questionnaire design consultation, programming and hosting, data processing and real-time reporting. SSI serves more than 2,000 clients, including the top 50 research organizations. It has 30 offices serving clients around the world.

Prosper Mobile Insights™
Chrissy Wissinger
Randi Honkonen

Ilene Siegalovsky

Android™ is a trademark of Google Inc.
