Repfixers Announces Debut of Free Online Reputation Management Tool
Repfixers releases online reputation management search tool that is free to the public and easy to use.

Irvine, CA January 03, 2012
Repfixers, a global provider of Online Reputation Management services, announced the debut of their proprietary online reputation search tool for business’ and individuals. The Online Search Tool is absolutely free to the public and easy to use. This first of its kind reputation management search tool is a unique, innovative, and extremely helpful instrument for any person or business to know what the public can view about them online.
The tool is extremely fast and accurate as it combs though data from the entire internet searching for negative content providing real time results. Once processed the report provides a review of the key factors that influence your individual or business online reputation. The meter rank is based on a 100 point scale influenced by positive or negative content. The algorithm is based on various criteria, including search engine results, relevance, and additional factors. Repfixers is now offering free use of this power online reputation tool athttp://www.repfixers.com.
Repfixers, founded in 2009 and headquartered in Irvine, CA provides several cutting edge online services specializing in individual and business reputation management services.