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Friday, February 10, 2012

Super Bowl Ads: Do They Pay Off? Ydraw Announces Article Release

Super Bowl ads have companies spending millions to have a mere 30 second commercial on live TV. Ydraw explores if they really are worth all the money spent. Do they return a profit?

Super Bowl Ads Video Scribing

Super Bowl Ads Video Scribing

Quote startA Video Scribing Video would be revolutionary in a Super Bowl Commercial. This is something that no one has ever done...Virtually anything can be put into these videos and become interesting.Quote end

Saint George, UT February 10, 2012

Super Bowl Ads are too pricey for most businesses, which is probably why there are so few companies that end up spending money on them. Ydraw releases this article in hopes to explore if Super Bowl Ads and Commercials really pay off in the end, or are just a waste of precious resources.

Why is it that Apple and Google are not marketing commercials during the Super Bowl, but companies like Chrystler who are struggling for money are? Do Super Bowl commercials pay for themselves at the end of the day? If they do work, the next question would have to be: who are the marketing companies behind these awful TV ads?

The Consumer Mind:

1. What keeps consumers awake at night, indigestion boiling up their esophagus, eyes open, starting at the ceiling?

2. What are consumers afraid of, angry about, who are they angry at?

3. What are consumer's top 3 daily frustrations?

4. What trends are occurring and will occur in consumer's businesses or lives?

5. What do consumers secretly desire most?

6. Is there a built-in bias to the way consumers make decisions? (For example engineers tend to be exceptionally analytic)

7. Do these specific consumers have their own language?

8. Who else is selling something similar?

9. Who else has tried to sell something similar and how?

Components of a Great Ad:

1. Providing a Single Message

2. Having a Catchy Phrase or Jingle

3. Featuring Memorable Characters

4. Using Consistent Design Elements throughout the Ad

5. Work to build up an Emotional Response to viewers

Super Bowl Commercials: The Good and the Bad

The Coke Commercial: Polar Bears and Coca Cola are not a new thing. In this commercial, there could have been so many more fun and exciting ways to promote Coke. Viewers are tired of keeping up with the polar bear story, they want to see something new. They want to see how Coke will make their lives better, why they need to have it, and how it is better than competitors.

The Career Builder Commercial: This is one Super Bowl Commercial that is a great example of an ad that applied to people. Viewers can relate to this commercial because many people feel like they literally work with monkeys. Frustration with business coworkers is a big part of any person's life, and to be able to minimize that frustration would be a desire of most. This commercial was strategically made to apply to consumers emotionally in a creative way.

The Audi Commercial: Introducing their new headlights, Audi comes up with a creative Vampire commercial. But is any consumer really concerned about their headlights? Consumers want to see the luxury of the vehicle, the way it can make their lives better, not the way an Audi can destroy all of their friends. Does this commercial make someone want to buy an Audi? If a person was truly interest in buying an Audi, would they be compelled to do so by this commercial?

The Chevy Commercial: This apocalypse commercial, though it was extremely creative, did not appeal to the customer. Customers want to see the features of a Chevy, what is great about it, what is new and improved about it, what is going to make life easier. Their "Built to Last" phrase is a great phrase, but viewers want more of that. They want to see amazing pictures of awesome looking trucks.

What questions of "The Consumer Mind" do each of these Super Bowl commercials need to work on? What are these commercials doing well?

What "Components of a Great Ad" do each of these Super Bowl commercials have? What do they lack?

Commercials used in the Super Bowl can be extremely impacting, but how can they have more impact? How can they be even more beneficial to companies that are paying big bucks for benefit?

A Video Scribing Video would be revolutionary in a Super Bowl Commercial. This is something that no one has ever done, and every video informs the viewer, has memorable characters and features, and says a lot about a product or service in a little amount of time. Virtually anything can be put into these videos and become interesting. What else is needed for a great commercial or video?

Ydraw specializes in making extraordinary whiteboard animation videos to help explain topics by Video Scribing. Artists drawing process is recorded and sped up so the viewer can experience the creation of a masterpiece. Ydraw makes the most detailed and clean whiteboard animation videos on the market.

Alecsy Christensen, Ydraw