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Monday, March 12, 2012

The Kiss of Death for Facebook Ads? Startup Pays Facebook Users for Everything They Share

redKonnect, which launches next week, will deposit cash in Facebook users' PayPal accounts if they post about politicians, charitable causes, or brands they like. By advertising on redKonnect, marketers can consistently achieve virality and compensate the people who help them do it. They're calling it the "global giveback."

The redKonnect Vision: "No Information Without Compensation"

Quote startThe vision is simple. Everyone has a network of friends, contacts and acquaintances, and every network has value. We're just helping people leverage their influence in a productive way.Quote end

Provo, UT (PRWEB)

Beginning next month, Facebook users will finally have the chance to cash in on their social media influence by posting videos and endorsements for their favorite brands, politicians, charitable causes, restaurants and events. By joining redKonnect, a free web platform, users will be compensated up-front for each post, as well as for each click their posts generate.

Facebook currently mines information about its users in order to sell premium ad space. However, these users are not compensated for sharing their information, and companies who invest in Facebook sponsored ad campaigns experience staggeringly low click-through rates and returns on their investment.

On the revolutionary new redKonnect platform, advertisers are discovering a refreshing, new reality. When redKonnect users post ads (whenever and for whomever they please), companies benefit from authentic, timely, word-of-mouth advertising, while rewarding consumers by sharing the profits. As users grow their circle of influence, they can earn even higher rewards for each post and click.

Explains redKonnect founder and CEO Trygve Jenson, "Imagine walking out of your favorite local restaurant after a delicious meal and telling your social network about it on Facebook. If the restaurant uses redKonnect, you can help them attract new customers while being compensated for the power of your personal endorsement." He adds, "What you earn on redKonnect may even cover the cost of your meal!"

Similar companies, like Klout and Blue Calypso, reward social media influencers with discounts or on-site credit, but redKonnect is the first to offer individuals direct PayPal payments for their activity on the redKonnect site.

redKonnect encourages its users to post endorsements or videos only for causes or brands they genuinely support, recognizing that if redKonnect users spam their friends with irrelevant or contrived promotions, they will likely be blocked or "unfriended."

redKonnect is perfect for college students and young adults looking for a supplemental source of income without the stress of an additional part-time job. Other ideal users—tech-savvy homemakers and busy professionals—stand to benefit. Not only are they paid for sharing videos; they are compensated for tweeting links, sharing information about themselves with redKonnect, and referring friends and business owners who decide to join.

According to Jenson, "The vision is simple. Everyone has a network of friends, contacts and acquaintances, and every network has value. We're just helping people to leverage their influence in a productive way."

redKonnect is initiating a global paradigm shift in social media and web marketing by building brands, engaging consumers, and generating goodwill. If you’re ready to join the social media revolution, visit, sign-in via Facebook or Twitter, and watch for updates on when and how you can Konnect.