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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

MediaMind Research Shows that Rich Media Ads Boost Website Visits Three-Fold

Rich Media plus Video Increases Visits Six-Fold

MediaMind Rich Media Research

MediaMind Research: The Rich and The Powerful

Quote start“By investing in more engaging experiences powered by rich media and video, advertisers increase the chance that consumers will spend valuable time with their brand.” Gal Trifon, General Manager of MediaMind and Chief Digital Officer of parent company DGQuote end

New York, NY March 28, 2012

MediaMind, the leading independent provider of integrated digital advertising solutions, released new research today showing that advertisers who want to increase website traffic and sales should look to dynamic and flexible, eye-catching display ads. The study examines 24,000 creatives with more than 12 billion impressions to discover how rich media and standard banners affect site visits. The research can be downloaded at: .

The analysis shows that users exposed to rich media ads are far more likely to end up on an advertiser’s website to seek information about products or to complete a purchase. To quantify the value added by rich media, MediaMind compared the share of users who ended up on the website after seeing rich media versus the share of users who ended up on the site after seeing standard banners.

The results show that users who have last seen a rich media ad are about three times more likely to browse to the advertiser’s website versus those who have last seen a standard banner. Advertisers who added video to the banner boosted site visits six-fold versus standard banners. For direct response, results show that users are four times more likely to click and visit the advertiser site after watching rich media ads versus standard banners and are nine times more likely after viewing rich media with video.

“Advertisers seek to maximize ROI for every marketing dollar spent,” said Gal Trifon, General Manager of MediaMind and Chief Digital Officer of parent company DG. “By investing in more engaging experiences powered by rich media and video, advertisers increase the chance that consumers will spend valuable time with their brand.”

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About MediaMind
MediaMind, a division of DG (NASDAQ:DGIT), is a leading global provider of digital advertising campaign management solutions to advertising agencies and advertisers. MediaMind provides media and creative agencies, advertisers and publishers with an integrated platform to manage campaigns across digital media channels and a variety of formats, including rich media, in-stream video, display and search. The MediaMind platform runs digital campaigns for 11,000 brand advertisers, servicing over 4,200 media and creative agencies, across 11,500 global web publishers in 75 countries.

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