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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

First SOPA… Now CISPA Reveals Why It May Be To Late For Savvy Website Owners

In recent news, the US Congress was trying to pass SOPA, the "Stop Online Piracy Act". This has created a lot of controversy for the online world and virtual businesses. After much debate, it appears the US Congress has passed a cousin ofSOPA called CISPA. report's asking, is it too late for online businesses and why internet users may need to take a deep breath before reading about the changes from the government.

Markus Skupeika

Markus Skupeika

Quote startMarkus feels it is important to get one's business online and running profitably before all the changes and regulation from the government and US Congress.Quote end

San Diego, California April 18, 2012

The web entrepreneur, Markus Skupeika dubbed with the nickname "Alchemist to Entrepreneurs" have posted a message to business owners and web users around the world. Markus Skupeika claims to take a deep breath before reading some veryfrightening new policies trying to be passed from US Congress. The policy is called CISP, which stands for "Cyber Intelligence Sharing & Protection Act of 2011". Markus the CEO of Dream Ware Enterprise and its division of companies explains why business owners must take a deep breath before reading his new report.

Markus Skupeika states, "Money flows in an industry, and government regulates. These are a process Americans see all the time, recently this happened in online gambling industry where government shut down multiple large poker sites online.. It is painfully obvious businesses are profiting online and censorship to control what web visitors see by the government is no where to be found. This creates huge amounts of problems for large political institutions and corporations which make it their business to control what people read and view in the media. As for business owners, many should be aware of CISPA which would have the ability to do anything with your online business information, that is related to cyber security. Regulating the internet would reduce the free society of entrepreneurship." You can read the full CISPA report here.

At the CEO is putting together a webinar to show the proprietary framework which Markus uses to grow his businesses online. Markus feels it is important to get one's business online and running profitably before all the changes and regulation from the government and US Congress.

If you would like to learn more about the proprietary framework to attract more clients, customers, and patients using semi-automation be sure to visit: