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Friday, April 27, 2012

“How to Build Email Lists and Increase Opt-Ins with Marketing Magic” Explained by

Find out how to build email lists and boost conversions without having to scrounge for more webpage traffic with Digital Marketer's RAW Training sessions.

DM Labs RAW Training

Double Your List with RAW Training from Digital Markter

Quote startDigital Marketer has tested and analyzed massive amounts of data to determine what works best in what scenarios.Quote end

Austin, TX April 27, 2012

“Want to know how to build email lists?” asked today’s article. They are, after all, one of the greatest sources of profit, as a bigger list equates to a bigger bottom line. If every single webpage visitor decided to opt-in and become a subscribing member, the marketing world would be a wondrous place to live in.

Unfortunately, the article said that isn’t the case.

Email lists can be increased by boosting traffic, but the article said that gets pricy before it gets results. Burning through a marketing budget just to raise traffic numbers still doesn’t guarantee more conversions, especially if the same, tired opt-in techniques are being used.

Digital Marketer has responded to this issue with a RAW Training session entitled “How To Double Your Subscriber List Without Doubling Your Traffic.” It’s the most up-to-date information on boosting conversion rates using the tested strategies of Digital Marketer, said the article.

RAW Training session are live webinar programs for Digital Marketing Lab members, focusing on the trends and topics important to the world of Internet marketing. Participants can join live online trainings and ask questions to the presenters and get answers in real time. The sessions are recorded and available on the website for future reference.

The goal of “How to Double Your Subscriber List Without Doubling Your Traffic” is to increase conversions from the traffic that a website already gets. It shows businesses how to build mailing listswith the perfect plan for maximizing opt-ins. That way, businesses have more money to spend on other marketing practices, making way for overall growth and success, said the article.

Digital Marketer has tested and analyzed massive amounts of data to determine what works best in what scenarios. When the strategies are applied the effects are inevitable because the numbers don’t lie; it’s as simple as that.

To gain access to the RAW Training sessions and learn how to build email lists without breaking the marketing bank, obtain the course and start today.

Digital Marketer releases informational resources to help businesses and entrepreneurs gain insight and intuitiveness on the trends, data, and strategies that can take them to the top of their industry. Through training courses, strategic plans, blogs, and Special Reports, Digital Marketer assists anyone in their business-building needs. For more information, visit