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Monday, April 16, 2012

“How to Get More Views on YouTube and Improve Web Sales” Explained in Article

Find out how to get more views on YouTube with Digital Marketer's tried and true strategies inside its newest Special Report.

"YouTube Google Hack" eBook

"YouTube Google Hack" eBook

Quote startThe Special Report advises entrepreneurs on the sort of products and information that sells best on YouTube, plus the ins and outs of creating a successful video.Quote end

Austin, TX April 16, 2012

For those wanting to know how to get more views on YouTube, here’s a little secret: There is no secret to YouTube. People don’t need an expensive camera, lighting and sound equipment. They don’t need a celebrity endorsement or ridiculous sales gimmick. What they do need is a strategic guide that explains how to create, submit, and promote an online video, and Digital Marketers have delivered just that.

“YouTube Google Hack: How to Rank a YouTube Video #1 on Google in 3 Days” is the latest Special Report from the Digital Marketing Labs, said today’s article. It provides the foolproof plan for manipulating two of the biggest and most powerful websites available into the greatest arena for business marketing.

The Special Report advises entrepreneurs on the sort of products and information that sells best on YouTube, plus the ins and outs of creating a successful video. There are seven types of videos that don’t use a camera, and “YouTube Google Hack” explains them in full. It also includes information on why it may be better if people don’t appear in videos at all (cue the collective sigh from the camera shy). In addition, the Special Report shares a winning seven step sequence that will make any video more effective.

More significantly, the Special Report focuses on nailing down a distinct purpose for every video created. Whether marketers are trying to inform potential customers about their products, build their website readership, or capture a lead, it’s important to know what types of videos work best for each purpose, said the article.

Sales leads are proven to increase after someone watches a web video, because it peaks their interest enough to want to learn more, the article said. Thefree traffic from Google that begins pouring into a website after a video upload will impress the most experienced marketer.

The second part of the “YouTube Google Hack” process involves listing optimization, which is where Digital Marketer prides itself as being an innovative leader. The research and analysis that went into devising the promotion strategy for a YouTube video is unmatched, the article said. The Special Report shares Digital Marketer’s cutting-edge philosophy on keywords, tags, and descriptions that instantly boost views and search engine ranking. Using YouTube for SEO has never been so effective.

Digital Marketer provides entrepreneurs with the information and confidence to create powerful marketing strategies. Its cutting-edge techniques have produced sales increases and magnified recognition for a multitude of business types. It releases Special Reports like this one, as well as other educational courses and materials to its subscribing members. Join’s membership program and gain access to this Special Report and the rest of what Digital Marketer offers.

There’s no better place to find all the information needed to get started manipulating YouTube into the best sales channel ever encountered, said the article. The benefits of YouTube and Google will cause a video to skyrocket, taking the business and brand recognition along with it. For guidance in finding out how to get more views on YouTube, let Digital Marketer’s Special Report show the way.