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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Online Reputation Management Takes a Walk Down Memory Lane

Interior designer turns to Online Reputation Management, an Internet reputation management and repair firm, hoping the company can redesign his future.

Online Reputation Management

Online Reputation Management

Quote startThanks to Online Reputation Management that stroll down memory lane ended quickly and painlesslyQuote end

Baltimore, MD April 25, 2012

A well-known interior designer from Baltimore, who asked to remain anonymous, turned to Online Reputation Management after discovering a blurb from the past resurfaced online 19 years later hurting his career advancement opportunities.

Several weeks ago, the client received a phone call from a leading pro Women's group who asked him to speak at an interior design conference. The interior designer, who has been working in the interior design field for nearly 14 years, was ecstatic.

“When you are asked to speak in front of hundreds of potential customers about why you love interior design, then that stands for something,” said the interior designer.

As time went on, the client prepared for the conference, he wrote speeches, collected materials and anxiously awaited for the remaining two weeks to pass. Yet suddenly, the conference director called and explained to him that they have come across an interesting, problematic issue.

“She explained to me that the conference organizers have conducted a routine search engine inquiry about me and came across an article about a trial I was supposedly involved in,” he said. “The trial was about a rape case that took place 19 years ago, I was simply quoted in the article as a witness.”

The conference director explained to the client that even though he had nothing to do with the case, his name was quoted in the posted article and she cannot present him in front of hundreds of women.

“She basically said, bury that article or bye bye,” the client said.

The interior designer immediately contacted Online Reputation Management and explained to the Online Reputation Management repair specialists his time-sensitive issue.

“Online Reputation Management had about two weeks to bury the article that was preventing him from receiving his big break,” said the Company’s Reputation Repair Specialist, Daniel Dean. “Online Reputation Management had to work fast and hard in order to help him.”

Online Reputation Management launched an intensive online marketing campaign showcasing the client’s interior design works and achievements. In addition, Online Reputation Management built the client an interactive, attractive Web site to present his interior design company.

“Online Reputation Management immediately set out to create positive, accurate content. We flooded the Web with his works and achievements, and we promoted every single aspect about him, from social networking sites to his hobbies,” Dean said.

Within a week and a half, the interior designer’s online name was cleared of the trial case that took place so long ago. The article was pushed down several pages on all major search engines. Online Reputation Management ensured that when searching the client’s name, his company would present itself, not an article from the past.

Within no time the interior designer found himself speaking in front of hundreds of women at the interior design conference.

“Thanks to Online Reputation Management that stroll down memory lane ended quickly and painlessly,” he said.

More About Online Reputation Management
Online Reputation Management ensures individuals’ and businesses’ online name does not go in vain. Online Reputation Management specializes in promoting your reputation in a positive and accurate light, and driving search engines away from negative reviews about you or your business. Online Reputation Management realizes times have changed. Today most employers, potential clients and investors turn to the World Wide Web to dig up background information. The online search is your digital face and electronic handshake, in reality, it is your best shot at leaving a good impression. Online Reputation Management works around the clock to deliver the best results, the firm continuously works to protect your reputation.

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