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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

“Secrets of Google Search Revealed,” Says Article

The secrets of Google search are given out in Digital Marketer's new Special Report, and entrepreneurs are rushing to develop their YouTube and Google marketing strategies.

"YouTube Google Hack" eBook

"YouTube Google Hack" eBook

Quote startIn 2011, YouTube had more than one trillion views or almost 140 views for every person on Earth.Quote end

Austin, TX April 11, 2012

The secrets of Google search are hidden inside the biggest matrix of web data there is. By the time this article is read, Google has collected updated page information and re-processed the entire web-link graph of over one trillion URLs. According to today’s article, entrepreneurs that learn the Google secrets will tap into the largest virtual sales channel known to man.

The Special Report “YouTube Google Hack: How to Rank Any YouTube Video #1 on Google in 3 Days” is the informational guide from the Digital Marketing Labs, Digital Marketer’s subscription program. It helps develop the ultimate marketing plan using both YouTube and Google, and condenses everything there is to know about using YouTube for SEO down to a fast, useable action plan.

The article said Digital Marketer’s Special Report is teaching how to access the free targeted traffic that Google delivers, and all it takes is a video submission to YouTube.

The idea is to get people from a YouTube video to a website or affiliate, where they have the option to buy a product, service, or content, the article said. Production is made easy with the Special Report’s how-to guide, including the seven step sequence that makes the most effective YouTube videos. The strategy also involves ways you can maximize the impact of an upload, when Google’s search optimization takes over and the video rises to the top of the Internet.

Google is the most used website in the world, said the article, with an average of half the entire Internet community visiting every day. That’s about 800 million unique users every month.

Plus, video is where the web is headed. One hour of video is uploaded to YouTube every second, the article said. That’s sixty hours a minute. In 2011, YouTube had more than one trillion views or almost 140 views for every person on Earth.

The Special Report advises on the best practices for getting to the top of Google search. It’s the best system for achieving the high ranking power that any business could use, said the article.

Why apply Digital Marketer’s foolproof guide to a YouTube promotion plan? Because it will shoot up the ranks of Google in the blink of an eye. Videos gets clicked on well before pages of text. That means any high-ranking video is going to get views, no matter what.

Those views will reveal an entirely new customer base, said the article. Interested consumers gather information from the videos, which if done correctly, will motivate them to find out more and make a purchase.

Digital Marketer provides entrepreneurs with the information and confidence to create powerful marketing strategies. Its cutting-edge techniques have boosted sales and exploded recognition for a multitude of business types. It releases Special Reports like this one, as well as other educational courses and materials to its subscribing members. For more information visit

YouTube doesn’t charge a commission, and Google certifies a steady flow of traffic to combine for the greatest channel of support any business could have, the article said. It’s easy to learn the secrets of Google search with Digital Marketer’s “YouTube Google Hack” guiding the way.