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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

“How to Improve My Website with Savvy Marketing Moves,” Says Article

Marketers are asking "How can I find out how to improve my website?" and they're getting help with Digital Marketer's newest Special Report.

Digital Marketer

Online marketing techniques from the experts at Digital Marketer

Quote startThe Special Report uses Digital Marketer’s strongest analyzing tool to guide websites towards the optimum effectiveness without an extra dime spent on increasing traffic.Quote end

Austin, TX ) May 01, 2012

The latest article posed this typical issue heard out of the mouths of businesses: “I need to learn how to improve my website, and I don’t have any extra money to generate traffic.”

Digital Marketer is answering the question with “43 Split Tests: A Cheat Sheet for What’s Working Now,” their latest informational Special Report. It uses Digital Marketer’s strongest analyzing tool to guide websites towards the optimum effectiveness without an extra dime spent on increasing traffic.

The article said marketers are constantly looking for ways to increase website profits. The problem is that more profits generally require more website visitors. That requires lots of marketing money and still only promises marginal improvements.

What’s really needed is a proven method of adjusting the appearance, feel, and style of website content that guarantees a boost in opt-ins, sales, and any other profitable measurement of a company’s Internet presence, said the article.

For those who follow DM, or are already a Digital Marketing Labs member, they should be familiar withsplit testing. DM has made it a staple of their research and analysis techniques, sharing infinite wisdom with each new set of results, the article said. Now, the best 43 are compiled in one 20-page digital document, giving marketers the ultimate go-to source.

It’s not easy to know what kind of font holds the highest readability, or what sort of headline gets the best reaction, said the article. To find out, Digital Marketer has tested variable after variable with real web traffic to find out what works and what doesn’t.

For example, the article said adding a hand-written signature at the bottom of a page can boost the conversion rate by 1.5%. But finding out how to improve the conversion rate beyond that is what DM strives to do. They found a signature location that increases conversions by 19%, and it’s revealed in the Special Report.

That’s the sort of easily-implemented changes that “43 Split Tests” proves will get results, the article said. And it’s the sort of marketing environment that exists today: minor changes can make big differences in conversions, both in the right direction and the wrong one.

Digital Marketer releases Special Reports to help businesses and entrepreneurs gain insight and information on the trends, data, and strategies that can take them to the top of their industry. Through training courses, strategic plans, blogs, and Special Reports like this one, Digital Marketer supercharges every single marketing campaign it touches. For more information, visit

The article said the advice inside “43 Split Tests” is the sort of scientifically-proven information Digital Marketer specializes in. They are leading the race towards website perfection, and are offering a groundbreaking collection of tips and tricks through this latest Special Report. Now when people ask “Where can I learn how to improve my website?” they’ll have an expertly-created guide to turn to.