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Thursday, May 31, 2012

How to Market with Facebook Pages and Adapt to the Timeline Shift

Marketers will know how to market with Facebook pages after a training session from Digital Marketer, according to a new article.

Facebook Timeline for Marketers

Facebook Timeline for Marketers

Quote startOnce businesses get a primer on the Timeline changes, they’ll have no trouble executing an effective social media strategy.Quote end

Austin, TX May 31, 2012

Businesses were just starting to understand how to market with Facebook pages, and the social media giant goes and switches things up on them. Just when they have a viable plan of attack, Timeline shows up and changes everything. The latest article from said there’s no need to panic and there’s no sense in giving up, but if businesses don’t bother adapting to the shifting world of social media, their online recognition is going to dwindle down to nothing.

Digital Marketer doesn’t want to see that happen. They’ve conducted countless hours of research looking for the best way to explain the differences between the old pages and the new Timeline-formatted ones. They’ve come up with a full length strategy for using the new techniques, and are sharing them now with DM Labs members.

“Facebook Timeline for Marketers: Everything You Need to Know to Make the Switch” is the new RAW Training session from Digital Marketer, and the online article said it’s providing more useful guidance than any other resource available. Presented as a live webinar by DM collaborator Kate Buck Jr., the RAW Training focuses on using Timeline’s new features to boost engagement and expand a brand’s reach.

The webinar training session answers all theFacebook Timeline questions that have risen since the change, said the article. It is now offered as a recorded version on, but still holds the key to informing web marketers on the best strategies for managing content, uploading appropriate images, and telling their story.

The article said customized apps have brought new value to a Facebook page, especially considering the wide range of user-built apps that pop up so often. Applying them to the new Timeline format makes a marketer’s job a lot easier, and the RAW Training explains the use and intent of these excellent new features.

Since what’s seen “above the fold” is what’s most important, “Facebook Timeline for Marketers” puts specific emphasis on the usage of appropriate apps that add to the user experience, said the article.

Digital Marketer releases informational and educational materials to help businesses and entrepreneurs gain insight and information on the trends, data, and strategies that can take them to the top of their industry. Through their RAW Training courses, strategic plans, blogs, newsletters, site reviews, and Special Reports, Digital Marketer supercharges every single marketing campaign it touches. For more information, visit

The article said the advancements of Facebook as it moves into the future are meant to improve things, not make them more confusing and discourage their use. Once businesses get a primer on the Timeline changes, they’ll have no trouble executing an effective social media strategy. That’s why Digital Marketer is sharing their best practices in the RAW Training; they’re showing companies how to market with Facebook pages in ways they never imagined would be possible.