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Friday, June 29, 2012

How to Get YouTube Views from Google Rankings Topic of Digital Marketer Article

The latest article from said businesses can learn how to get YouTube views with the new Special Report.

"YouTube Google Hack" eBook

"YouTube Google Hack" eBook

Quote startKnown as the brains behind some of the most influential and innovative online marketing ideas of recent memory, Digital Marketer is leading the way in providing useful information to help businesses.Quote end

Austin, TX June 29, 2012

To learn how to get YouTube views, many marketers are spending ridiculous resources on seminars, educational materials, and training courses. Unfortunately for them, the latest article said it’s all unnecessary. There are easy ways to skyrocket a video to the top of Google search results, and they are described in the latest Special Report by Digital Marketer.

Known as the brains behind some of the most influential and innovative online marketing ideas of recent memory, Digital Marketer is leading the way in providing useful information to help businesses. Like all their Special Reports, the online article said this one gives step-by-step directions on one of the most powerful online marketing techniques available.

“YouTube Google Hack: How to Rank a YouTube Video Number One in Three Days” presents an easy-to-understand process for achieving online business goals. The article said it shows how to get YouTube traffic to a specific website, and how to turn that traffic into online sales.

YouTube marketing is an exciting new strategy that not every successful business is aware of, said the article. It added that now is the perfect time to take advantage of the web’s massive shift towards video content, and there’s no easier way than to read “YouTube Google Hack.”

The Special Report is a digital e-book that shows how video creation can be done without any prior experience. It provides information on the formatting of text, Power Point presentations, and even drawings into compelling videos that grab attention better than a boring video of a person talking.

It also shows businesses how to easily drive traffic, free of charge, from YouTube to their website. There they can make offers and sell products, said the article, all based on the interest of someone in a video they made.

The article also pointed out the ability of high-ranking YouTube videos to boost an online presence. YouTube, much like traditional social media sites like Twitter and Facebook, is serving as a public sharing forum where people show others what they think is worthy of interest.

Digital Marketer releases informational and educational materials to help businesses and entrepreneurs gain insight and information on the trends, data, and strategies that can take them to the top of their industry. Through their RAW Training courses, strategic plans, blogs, newsletters, site reviews, and Special Reports, Digital Marketer supercharges every single marketing campaign it touches. For more information, visit

By following the guidance of Digital Marketer and their Special Report, businesses will be able to benefit from YouTube and Google’s online strength in amazing ways. When marketers are ready to learn how to get YouTube views and crank their strategies into overdrive, the article said “YouTube Google Hack” will be waiting.