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Friday, June 22, 2012

“How to Increase Your Sales and Build a Better Online Business,” Topic of Digital Marketer Article

Learn how to increase your sales with the marketing wizardry of Digital Marketer and their Special Report, said a recent online article.

Digital Marketer

Online marketing techniques from the experts at Digital Marketer

Quote start“43 Split Tests: A Cheat Sheet to What’s Working Now” is the result of hundreds of scientific tests used to determine what marketing variables impact a business.Quote end

Austin, TX June 22, 2012

If you want to learn how to increase your sales, there’s one place to turn, said a recent online article from Digital Marketer. There’s no use wasting time testing variables and hoping they will make a positive impact, especially when there’s a product out there that has already done that. Digital Marketer has decided to release a wealth of marketing information to the general public, allowing anyone with any experience level to learn the tricks to marketing mastery.

In an unprecedented move, the industry-leading online marketing company has published a virtual testing log. “43 Split Tests: A Cheat Sheet to What’s Working Now” is the result of hundreds of scientific tests used to determine what marketing variables impact a business.

The article said that Digital Marketer is offering their assistance in the form of their new Special Report, and it’s changing the way people implement their marketing strategies. Once some of the suggestions in the Special Report are executed, they’ll see improvements almost immediately.

Marketers don’t need to increase traffic to increase sales; they just need to find out how to increase conversion rates with the folks that already visit their site, said the article. The Special Report will guide them through the adjustments and changes to their marketing strategy that will get the results they want.

All businesses, especially those that are strictly online-based, strive for more sales. The online article pointed out that promoting growth is fantastic, but not without a plan to follow that will produce that growth. Hard work and determination are cornerstones of a successful business, but so is innovation. The Special Report will give businesses that innovation, and explain to them what is going to impact their bottom line.

Digital Marketer releases Special Reports to help businesses and entrepreneurs gain insight and information on the trends, data, and strategies that can take them to the top of their industry. Through training courses, strategic plans, blogs, and Special Reports like this one, Digital Marketer supercharges every single marketing campaign it touches. For more information, visit

The article said that if businesses think they can benefit from doubling or tripling online profits, the “43 Split Tests” is for them. If they don’t think more profits would help, then they probably shouldn’t be in business. Learn how to increase your sales with the tried and true strategies in the Special Report, and the article said you’ll be headed for business success whether you’re ready for it or not.