Everyone Can Start Getting More Pageviews From The +1 Button Starting Today
We recently reported on a new feature Google unveiled for the +1 button: recommendations. When you hover over the button on a site, it will now recommend other content on that site based on +1′s, providing a way for users to discover more well-liked content on the site, and possibly drive some additional pageviews for the publisher.
Here’s what it looks like:

It’s also nice that links open in new tabs, when clicked.
Google announced today that the feature is rolling out for everyone. Users in the Google+ Platform Preview received an email that said:
Recommendations are rolling out to all users today. For more information, please see the announcement here:
Thank you for testing and your feedback on this change! As always, if you have any additional questions or feedback, please join us in the forum:
+The Google+ Platform team
Early feedback on the feature has been positive, and it provides webmasters with another reason to seek more +1s from users.