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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

How to Get YouTube Subscribers from Video Watching to Product Buying Topic of Article

Find out how to get YouTube subscribers and turn them into customers with Digital Marketer’s Special Report, said a recent online article.

"YouTube Google Hack" eBook

"YouTube Google Hack" eBook

Quote start“YouTube Google Hack” will show marketers how to translate text, PowerPoint presentations, and even drawings and doodles into engaging videos, all with the purpose of attracting customers.Quote end

Austin, TX July 04, 2012

“Want to know how to get YouTube subscribers?” asked today’s article. It involves a unique formula of creating a video, optimizing search results, and capturing an audience that’s eager to become customers of an online company.

Digital Marketer’s new Special Report, “YouTube Google Hack: How to Rank Any YouTube Video Number One on Google in Three Days” is guiding the marketing strategies of online companies. It advises using the biggest video sharing site available for incredibly effective results.

The best part of the process is that YouTube traffic is free. It represents one of the best ways to put products and offers in front of the folks who are most likely to buy them, said the article.

A market analyst recently interviewed by MSNBC said “the role that YouTube plays at Google is underappreciated: It puts Google ‘squarely in the middle of one of the largest trends in advertising today — the migration online of TV/video ad budgets.’ What’s remarkable for a company that’s been around since 2005 is that it’s managed to keep up massive growth: 20 percent year-over-year unique visitor growth and nearly 40 percent year-over-year growth in page views.”

All that growth amounts to massive marketing potential, but the article said only the businesses that master YouTube techniques will reap the full benefits. Since Google owns YouTube, the search rankings of a well-viewed video are instantly boosted. It’s hard to knock a popular video out of the top spot, so once it’s achieved it can make a business appear as the all-knowing authority on the subject query.
Free YouTube traffic is then directed from a tagged and linked video to a business website, the article said. There are all kinds of products and services that can be marketed on YouTube, and the “YouTube Google Hack” Special Report will show exactly how to do it.

Best of all, the article said video creators don’t even need to have a camera to pull off successful YouTube content. “YouTube Google Hack” will show marketers how to translate text, PowerPoint presentations, and even drawings and doodles into engaging videos, all with the purpose of attracting customers.

YouTube doesn’t charge a commission and Google ensures a steady stream of free traffic, but there are still ways to influence the end result. That’s where the Special Report shines; any online business will see instant improvements in opt-ins and conversion rates when YouTube videos are used as a part of the overall marketing scheme, said the article.

Digital Marketer releases Special Reports to help businesses and entrepreneurs gain insight and information on the trends, data, and strategies that can take them to the top of their industry. Through their training courses, strategic plans, blogs, newsletters, site reviews, and Special Reports like this one, Digital Marketer supercharges every single marketing campaign it touches. For more information, visit

Businesses could consult hundreds of marketing books and scour the web for other ways of selling online, but the article said none of them will come close to the capabilities of a well-oiled machine like YouTube. It suggested learning all the tips on how to get YouTube subscribers with “YouTube Google Hack.”