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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Pinterest’s Popularity is Topic of Latest Digital Marketer Blog Post

Digital Marketer has tackled the subject of Pinterest and its waning popularity in it’s most recent blog post.
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Austin, TX  November 15, 2012
The Digital Marketer blog has posted a new piece on the changes in usage witnessed by Pinterest, a high-flying site that is beginning to lose its luster.
Josh Loposer, Managing Editor and lead blogger at Digital Marketer, wrote the post and shared his thoughts on why things are shifting for the visually-based social sharing site.
“If you’re like me, you probably created an account on Pinterest and enthusiastically loaded it with images… six months ago. But with each passing month, you’ve spent less and less of your free time pinning cool stuff,” wrote Loposer in the post. “That’s exactly what Pinterest is trying to combat according to CEO Ben Silbermann.”
The blog post shares a Silbermann quote from a recent conference, and continues to highlight Loposer’s own take on the viability of Pinterest’s strategy.
“Pinterest’s long-term success will hinge on its ability to hold a user’s interest, not just to capture it in a snap shot,” the blog post said.
Information like this is available for instant access on the Digital Marketer blog, where the best of the best online marketing gurus share their ideas on trends and news flowing through the Internet. It’s part of DM’s continuing efforts to keep marketers across the globe up to date on what’s affecting their business on every landscape.
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