Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Entrepreneur Mike Mann Hopes His New Book Helps Others Achieve Their New Year’s Resolutions
‘Make Millions & Make Change! Secrets to Business and Personal Success’ offers a road map to business and personal success in 2013.

Entrepreneur Mike Mann says people can use his book, "Make Millions & Make Change! Secrets to Business and Personal Success," as a guide for making New Year's resolutions.

Boca Raton, Fla. December 26, 2012
As 2012 draws to a close, it’s time to set goals for next year. The most popular New Year’s resolutions will include making more money, becoming financially independent and giving to people in need. In his book “Make Millions & Make Change! Secrets to Business and Personal Success,” entrepreneur Mike Manncovers these areas with his framework for success in business and life.
Mann, a leading “social entrepreneur,” began powerful Internet brands like Phone.com, SEO.com and DomainMarket.com, all businesses that ranked on the 2012 Inc. 500 list, which recognized the fastest growing companies in America. “Make Millions & Make Change!” offers easy-to-follow strategies to help aspiring entrepreneurs find success.
“The new year is an ideal time to start a business or take an existing company to the next level,” Mann said. “There is lots of hard work and some risk involved with being an entrepreneur, but by implementing the strategies outlined in my book, you can be successful in business and make more money.”
“Make Millions & Make Change! Secrets to Business and Personal Success” advises readers about everything from self confidence to search engine optimization, while stressing the importance of maintaining the right mindset, working hard and giving back to society in a meaningful way.
“At the end of the day, there is more to life and business than just making money. It’s about having a positive impact on the lives of others through worthwhile causes,” Mann said. “The reason I started my businesses was to serve charities and help change the world.”
Mann has given to charity as founder of several nonprofit organizations including Grassroots.org, Make Change! Trust and ChangeTheWorld.org. For aspiring entrepreneurs, Mann createdhttp://www.BestPracticesGuide.com.
“I’m glad to share my strategies for business with others in ‘Make Millions & Make Change.’ Once people understand my basic keys to business success, there is nothing beyond their reach,” Mann said. “My greatest hope is to help others be successful and then have them turn around and use that success to make a difference.”
Readers may download a free version of “Make Millions & Make Change! Secrets to Business and Personal Success,” at http://www.MakeMillions.com in either a digital book or audio format.
About Mike Mann
Mike Mann, a social entrepreneur, is the author of “Make Millions & Make Change! Secrets to Business and Personal Success.” The book shows readers how to find success in business while helping charitable causes. Mann is the founder of Grassroots.org and Make Change! Trust, groups that provide free services and funding to nonprofits around the world. Mann’s for-profit ventures include Phone.com (2012 Inc. 500), SEO.com (2012 Inc. 500), DomainMarket.com (2012 Inc. 500), PRMarketing.com, PurePPC.com and others. For more information please visit http://www.MikeMann.com.