Friday, January 18, 2013
Shweiki Media Printing Company Presents a Must-Watch Webinar on Online Revenue, Detailing Different Ways for Companies to Utilize Untapped Resources and Make Money Online
Shweiki Media joins forces with Ryan Dohrn of Brain Swell Media to offer a free webinar about online revenue and the different ways companies can utilize the internet to increase revenue and make a profit. There are many vehicles for advertising available online and many ways to increase ad sales by plugging potential advertisers in online--whether it's in an enewsletter, on social media or through a video sidebar--and this webinar details different examples of online revenue makers and explains how to use them.

Print isn't the only way to make money. There are multiple online strategies to increase revenue that can be just as profitable.

Austin, TX ( January 18, 2013
The internet is an oft-untapped resource for revenue, ripe with options to sell to advertisers ways for companies to profit. This webinar breaks down various examples of how to make money with social media, eNewsletters and more.
Staffing considerations
New Revenue doesn't always mean new staff. There might be a need to train staff to be more efficient so they will be able to take on new products, but there doesn’t always need to be a major upheaval with new or additional personnel. The key is figuring out what exactly is needed and what is desired from staff and how to make it happen.
Example #1: Re-thinking Social Media Sales
The first step is to make sure the Facebook page is a business page and not a personal page. It may seem like a difference, but it’s important. There are other strategies to implement when selling social media as well:
-Label commercial mentions as 'Sponsored'
-Use YouTube to drive commercial mentions
-Charge between $100-125 per thousand and base pricing off of the number of Facebook friends/likes
Example #2: eNewsletter Revenue
There are a few ideas for how to make money off of eNewsletters:
-Utilize reverse selling. This starts with the advertiser first and involves selling the audience to the advertiser and developing a partnership.
-Premier products.
-Spark interest and interactivity with giveaways. This is a great way to generate buzz as prizes are incentives for people to take action.
Example #3: Pop goes the Ad!
-Interstitial AD = Interruptive Ad
-Make sure the skip option is visible.
-Add the company's name.
-Only use these kinds of ads in 12 to 24 hour increments
-Make sure the skip option is visible.
-Add the company's name.
-Only use these kinds of ads in 12 to 24 hour increments
Example #4: User Interaction to Drive Sales
If a site gets a lot of traffic, it’s absolutely beneficial for them to use that as leverage and charge accordingly. The more visitors to the site and the more users are interactive, the more powerful the site itself is. There are several ways to milk money from user interaction:
-Charge advertiser based on the traffic going to a certain part of a website.
-A great way to track traffic is with Google analytics.
-Look back over the course of the last year and look at the areas of the year when the traffic was high. Base prices off of the traffic.
Example #5: Contextual Advertising
When selling an ad, one shouldn’t wait for the sale to determine where it should be placed. Use relevant, available ad spaces as tools and incentives to show to potential advertisers to get them to advertise. When they see what a great fit their ad will be, it will be more difficult for them to say no.
-Make articles on the website sellable. Show them to the advertiser and sell them on the fact that the text of the article is relative to their company and that it would be beneficial for them to be a part of the page.
-The next step is that anytime that the relevant idea is mentioned on the website, the advertiser’s ad will appear, ensuring they’ll always be associated with the concept.
Example #6: Videotorial
-Sell video onto a story as an ad.
-Digital sidebar/video sidebar can be used for paid content.
In order for it to be a success, however, it needs to be mentioned in the print magazine.
Shweiki Media's mission has always been to help publishers improve by providing the most profitable, hassle-free printing experience possible. This includes guaranteeing the highest quality product--when printing magazines, flyers, postcards and more--along with exceptional customer service and on-time delivery.
As a printer and publisher, Shweiki Media also believes that this hassle-free experience includes making their clients better. Utilizing relationships with industry experts, Shweiki Media strives to educate clients and help them thrive in the exciting world of publishing--while having lots of fun along the way!
For more great info from and about Shweiki Media, please check out shweiki.com, follow us @ShweikiMedia and "like" us at Facebook.com/shweikimedia.