Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Wednesday Morning Chaos for the Conscience

I gather together Humanitarian Related Global Issues. That come to my inbox from
many sources and are collectively presented in my "People's PoweredNews"/ ConsciousCHAOS-
tied together for decision makers to draw information from
that reflects humanity and the needs of the globe we live on.
We are evolving to a more conscientious driven force out of necessity...
now's the time to make the conscientious changes!

When it comes to going to war, it’s not too often we get to see France beat the US to the punch. But in the case of Mali, the troubled north African country with a serious jihadi problem, the French are playing the usual American role of global terrorist-hunter, launching a string of airstrikes and deploying 2,500 troops to its former colony in what could end up being a long and dirty war, à la Afghanistan. Since its unwillingness to support the war in Iraq in 2003 (which launched a mindless jingoistic shit-storm in the States), the French track record of interventionism has actually been more belligerent than widely held American perceptions would have it. .. http://www.vice.com/read/ what-are-the-french-really- up-to-in-mali
Read all of this issues "PeoplePowered News / CONSCIOUS-chaos " out twice daily: http://paper.li/ f-1346882490?utm_source=sub scription&utm_medium=email &utm_campaign=paper_sub#
Read all of this issues "PeoplePowered News / CONSCIOUS-chaos " out twice daily: http://paper.li/

Tucson, AZ- A hidden camera video released by Tucson-based humanitarian organizationNo More Deaths shows an agent of the U.S. Border Patrol removing clean blankets and food intended for migrants in distress. The January 8 video captures a Border Patrol agent on a desert trail near the town of Arivaca, Arizona, about 12 miles north of the international border. The agent stops, opens a plastic bagsurrounding dry blankets and canned food, inspects the contents, and then leaves, removing the life-saving provisions. ... http:// bsnorrell.blogspot.ca/2013/ 01/ hidden-camera-border-patrol -removes.html
Read all of this issues "PeoplePowered News / CONSCIOUS-chaos " out twice daily: http://paper.li/ f-1346882490?utm_source=sub scription&utm_medium=email &utm_campaign=paper_sub#
Read all of this issues "PeoplePowered News / CONSCIOUS-chaos " out twice daily: http://paper.li/

The IF campaign is a huge coalition of UK-based organisations, including Oxfam, who share the vision of a world where everyone has enough to eat.
http://www.oxfam.org.uk/ get-involved/ campaign-with-us/ our-campaigns/if
Read all of this issues "PeoplePowered News / CONSCIOUS-chaos " out twice daily: http://paper.li/ f-1346882490?utm_source=sub scription&utm_medium=email &utm_campaign=paper_sub#
Read all of this issues "PeoplePowered News / CONSCIOUS-chaos " out twice daily: http://paper.li/