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Monday, February 11, 2013

Contrary to Current Popular Belief, a Landing Page Still Exists in Facebook Timeline and Study Breaks College Media Explains "Like-gating" Benefits and Its Relevancy Now

With the implementation of Timeline, Facebook got rid of the default landing page option, which was a huge concern for many businesses, as with the default landing page, they were able to better engage audiences and encourage new visitors to "like" their page and become a fan. Although today one can't set an intro page, it is still possible to create a landing page using links to specific tabs, and Study Breaks presents an explanation of how to utilize these important strategies for capturing college students which are more relevant today than ever before.

Facebook, timeline, fan page, default, landing page, social media
Although the default landing page is gone, with Facebook timeline there are still ways to direct users to specific places and pages.
A successful landing page can serve as a "like-gate," and will convert new users that might simply be visitors into users that will "like" the page at a much higher rate. (38% higher!)
Austin, TX  February 11, 2013
A warm welcome is always a great feeling when entering a place of business, and it’s no different when entering an online property. When people arrive at a Facebook fan page, it’s best for the business to greet them and help them feel the love. Not only is it great for keeping current users and fans satisfied and interested, but it’s a great way to engage new users from the very beginning—and a great method for capturing those college students.
Now, with the changes that have been made fairly recently to landing pages due to the implementation of Timeline, it's more important than ever for businesses to properly utilize landing pages and their "like-gating" benefits. Here Study Breaks College Media explains the current landing pages and strategies for utilizing the Facebook model of today so businesses can have the greatest advantage now.
The Landing Page Breakdown
What is a landing page? A landing page is simply a public page that allows a company to share information about services, products and incentives that they are offering. Overall, it really gives visitors a real reason to "like" a page and to stay tuned for anything that may be rolling out. A successful landing page can serve as a like-gate, and will convert new users that might simply be visitors into users that will "like" the page at a much higher rate (38% higher!)
There are many types of approaches for a successfulFacebook landing page, and here are three that have proven successful for various companies:
One is a simple yet effective design that goes straight to the call-to-action paired with an incentive. A user is going to like and “like” a brand that promises to give special promotions (and college students love promotions).
Another good example is one that was found on a landing page for Angry Birds, complete with the line, "Even the pigs would like the birds, but they lack the thumbs to do so…” While this landing page wasn’t super interactive, there was a clear reason for "liking" them tied with a bit of funny that fit with the fun brand and provided a bit of entertainment for visitors.
Yet another type described is one that’s a popular choice for restaurants and makes for a top-notch landing page! On an excellent restaurant landing page, users can make reservations, see what’s on the menu and even get directions to the establishment. With everything in one place, the landing page serves as a sort of online one-stop shop.
Finally, for extra credit, it’s even better for individuals (such as authors) and companies to incorporate a video onto their landing page. This is a great personal touch and allows the owner of the page to truly speak to the audience.
Here are a few more reasons to consider a Facebook landing page now: 
  • A Facebook fan page has a 38% more chance of being "liked" with a Landing Page and a Facebook fan page than without one.
  • The students are able to see your posts every time they login.
  • Fan pages create trust and build relationships with customers creating loyal customers and brand advocates of your business.
  • Fan pages allow for customer service in real time.
By utilizing current tools such as like-gates and creating awesome landing pages using links to specific tabs, businesses can control what users see and increase their "likes"--starting today.
Study Breaks College Media provides a one-stop solution for small businesses, providing them with big marketing strategies and delivering college students.
Study Breaks magazine is an award-winning line of monthly entertainment magazines for college students with a mission can best be explained through its slogan: We are college life. Published by Shweiki Media Printing Company, it is distributed in five Texas cities (Austin, Houston, San Antonio, San Marcos and Lubbock) and two southeast cities (Athens, GA; Columbia, SC). (