Tuesday, February 12, 2013
It's "Chaos" out there... best get "Conscious" about it!

I gather together Humanitarian Related Global Issues. That come to my inbox from
many sources and are collectively presented in my "People's PoweredNews"/ ConsciousCHAOS-
tied together for decision makers to draw information from
that reflects humanity and the needs of the globe we live on.
We are evolving to a more conscientious driven force out of necessity...
now's the time to make the conscientious changes!

The law that gives the government the power to indefinitely detain U.S. citizens is back in federal court this week. On Wednesday, a group of academics, journalists and activists will present oral arguments in court against a provision in the National Defense Authorization Act, or NDAA, authorizing the military to jail anyone it considers a terrorism suspect anywhere in the world without charge or trial...
http:// www.democracynow.org/2013/ 2/5/ daniel_ellsberg_ndaa_indefi nite_detention_provision
Read on: http://www.trust.org/ alertnet/news/ famine-hit-nkoreas-rice-bas ket-in-2012-report-says
Read on: http://www.trust.org/

Sunday afternoon, President Obama signed a Presidential memorandum, stating the following:
“I hereby determine that it is in the national interest of the United States to waive the application of the prohibition in section 404(a) of the CSPA [Child Soldiers Prevention Act of 2008] with respect to Libya, South Sudan, and Yemen… and the issuance of licenses for direct commercial sales of U.S. origin defense articles; and I hereby waive such provisions accordingly.” ....http:// constitutionschool.com/ 2012/10/02/ big-news-obama-waives-bush- law-banning-child-soldiers /
Shame on you Obama! Shame on you USA!
Read on: http://www.trust.org/ alertnet/news/ famine-hit-nkoreas-rice-bas ket-in-2012-report-says
“I hereby determine that it is in the national interest of the United States to waive the application of the prohibition in section 404(a) of the CSPA [Child Soldiers Prevention Act of 2008] with respect to Libya, South Sudan, and Yemen… and the issuance of licenses for direct commercial sales of U.S. origin defense articles; and I hereby waive such provisions accordingly.” ....http://
Shame on you Obama! Shame on you USA!
Read on: http://www.trust.org/

Had a discussion with an animal activist this morning about this... she calls what is being done barbaric... ( indeed the dogs she is talking about when starving would do the same- just a side note)... but my question is... whose the barbaric one... the one sitting infront of a dinnertable judging another who hasn't seen dinner in weeks? And what if the very government that the one infront of the dinner table has supplied the weapons of war, supported the civil wars and induced the sanctions that have created the starvation... who then is the barbaric one? Reports from inside the secretive famine-hit pariah state, North Korea, claim a man has been executed after murdering his two children for food.
The grim suggestion that North Koreans are turning to cannibalism were reported by theAsia Press, and published in the Sunday Times.
http:// www.independent.co.uk/news/ world/asia/ north-korean-cannibalism-fe ars-amid-claims-starving-p eople-forced-to-desperate- measures-8468781.html
Read on: http://www.trust.org/ alertnet/news/ famine-hit-nkoreas-rice-bas ket-in-2012-report-says
The grim suggestion that North Koreans are turning to cannibalism were reported by theAsia Press, and published in the Sunday Times.
Read on: http://www.trust.org/

Many tires also end up on the beaches from the tide carrying it, without a storm. Another unforeseen hazard is as these tires are carried by the tide on a daily basis, they not only litter the seashore, but they are destroying original living reef tracts by being drug over them and left on top of them. This will take decades to heal, provided the tires are removed... http:// humanitariannews.org/ 20130208/ dumping-tires-ocean-floor
Read all of this issues "PeoplePowered News / CONSCIOUS-chaos " out twice daily: http://paper.li/ f-1346882490?utm_source=sub scription&utm_medium=email &utm_campaign=paper_sub
Read all of this issues "PeoplePowered News / CONSCIOUS-chaos " out twice daily: http://paper.li/