Monday, February 4, 2013
Conscious Chaos - People Powered News

Randa al-Kaleeb, a social worker from the hospital where Lama was admitted, said the girl’s back was broken and that she had been raped “everywhere”, according to the group. A Saudi preacher who raped his five-year-old daughter and tortured her to death has been sentenced to pay “blood money” to the mother after having served a short jail term, activists said on Saturday.
http://www.rawstory.com/ rs/2013/02/02/ saudi-preacher-spared-after -raping-killing-daughter/
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Read all of this issues "PeoplePowered News / CONSCIOUS-chaos " out twice daily: http://paper.li/

Civilian death estimates are referred to as “bug splat.”
The weekly White House meetings to evaluate candidates for the “kill list” are tagged “Terror Tuesdays.”
Among the many lives that hang in the balance at these meetings are those of the wives and children of alleged terrorists, the people who come to the aid of blast victims after an attack and people who show up at their funerals. The logic is that if they know the terrorist, they must be collaborators so why not “double tap” – hit them with a second strike.
Read more: http://www.canada.com/ Analysis+drone+warfare+come s+under+increasing+attack+ from+legal+experts/ 7905518/ story.html#ixzz2Jmmp0CsL
Read all of this issues "PeoplePowered News / CONSCIOUS-chaos " out twice daily: http://paper.li/ f-1346882490?utm_source=sub scription&utm_medium=email &utm_campaign=paper_sub
The weekly White House meetings to evaluate candidates for the “kill list” are tagged “Terror Tuesdays.”
Among the many lives that hang in the balance at these meetings are those of the wives and children of alleged terrorists, the people who come to the aid of blast victims after an attack and people who show up at their funerals. The logic is that if they know the terrorist, they must be collaborators so why not “double tap” – hit them with a second strike.
Read more: http://www.canada.com/
Read all of this issues "PeoplePowered News / CONSCIOUS-chaos " out twice daily: http://paper.li/

I gather together Humanitarian Related Global Issues. That come to my inbox from
many sources and are collectively presented in my "People's PoweredNews"/ ConsciousCHAOS-
tied together for decision makers to draw information from
that reflects humanity and the needs of the globe we live on.
We are evolving to a more conscientious driven force out of necessity...
now's the time to make the conscientious changes!

New biofuel requirements proposed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are being met with concern by a spectrum of interest groups from environmentalists to the oil industry, with some warning that a gap between the proposal and existing law could force the government to draw on food-based alternative fuels...
http://www.ipsnews.net/ 2013/02/ new-u-s-biofuel-proposals-c ould-draw-heavily-from-foo d-sources/
Read all of this issues "PeoplePowered News / CONSCIOUS-chaos " out twice daily: http://paper.li/ f-1346882490?utm_source=sub scription&utm_medium=email &utm_campaign=paper_sub
Read all of this issues "PeoplePowered News / CONSCIOUS-chaos " out twice daily: http://paper.li/