Thursday, February 14, 2013
Survey of 700 College Students by Study Breaks College Media Breaks Down the Mobile Habits of Students and How They Use Their Mobile Devices to Interact with Businesses
Study Breaks, a leading college media entertainment company, joined forces with Campus2Careers to survey over 700 students about their mobile habits in general and how they use their mobile devices to interact with businesses. The results indicate and reinforce the importance (and potential profitability) of mobile marketing and how essential it is that businesses utilize mobile sites and mobile marketing tactics to increase interactivity and reach college students.

With 700 students surveyed, Study Breaks suspicions were confirmed and it's never been a better time for businesses to go after college students with mobile marketing.

Austin, TX February 14, 2013
If one were to take a stroll around campus, they’d be likely to see a flock of students all walking with heads turned down, fingers moving at the speed of light—eyes, hands and attention all glued to their mobile devices. And it’s not just between classes. In classes, on the bus, in restaurants and at parties…It’s safe to say that the majority of students are essentially attached to their phones. But what, exactly, are they using them for? Is it texting? Shopping? Email? Facebook?
Study Breaks, a leading college entertainment media company, wanted to find the answers to those questions and more, and set out to do just that, joining forces with Campus2Careers and surveying nearly 700 college students about their mobile habits. The results indicate just what pure observation indicated—that students are frequent phone users—but it also verified just what Study Breaks College Media has suspected all along: Mobile devices can be a very effective and potentially profitable way for businesses to reach college students.
Here are the results from the survey on college students’ general mobile habits and how they use their mobile devices to interact with businesses:
-87% never leave without their cell phone
-40% prefer mobile-optimized sites
-68% “check in” with social media via mobile
-91% use their mobile to check/compose email
-93% use their mobile to search for business information
-76% use their mobile to find deals/coupons
-32% use their mobile for visiting business websites, while 68% use their laptops
-46% use their mobile to scan QR codes in a print ad
-53% read magazines on their mobile devices
-40% prefer mobile-optimized sites
-68% “check in” with social media via mobile
-91% use their mobile to check/compose email
-93% use their mobile to search for business information
-76% use their mobile to find deals/coupons
-32% use their mobile for visiting business websites, while 68% use their laptops
-46% use their mobile to scan QR codes in a print ad
-53% read magazines on their mobile devices
What this all means is that, like it or not, mobile devices are an extension of college students—a practical limb—and it’s crucial that businesses take advantage of this. To do this, a business should develop mobile marketing tactics and a mobile site to increase interactivity and reach potential college students at any time via the one form of media that they never put down: their mobile device.
Study Breaks College Media provides a one-stop solution for small businesses, providing them with big marketing strategies and delivering college students.
Study Breaks magazine is an award-winning line of monthly entertainment magazines for college students with a mission can best be explained through its slogan: We are college life. Published by Shweiki Media Printing Company, it is distributed in five Texas cities (Austin, Houston, San Antonio, San Marcos and Lubbock) and two southeast cities (Athens, GA; Columbia, SC). Studybreaks(dot)com